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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

Halloween is now over and the biggest holiday season of the year has begun–or has it?

Have we forgotten about Thanksgiving?

November is here, which means Thanksgiving is right around the corner. But, retail stores and local neighborhoods have turned a blind eye to the 4th Thursday of the month. You see, Christmas and other holiday decorations are decked out and ready as soon as Halloween was over. People are already having holiday sales in the first week of November, as I am still trying to process what Halloween was like this year. Has Thanksgiving become a lost art? Don’t we still have so much to give thanks for?

When Does Christmas Technically start?

Yes, on the calendar Christmas is on the 25th of December, but when do the yearly festivities actually begin? Many will say that the day after Thanksgiving is when it should start, given that Black Friday sales are then as well. But if stores are having sales all month, making Black Friday a thing of the past, and people are decorating for Christmas as soon as the Halloween decorations come down, when is the proper time to start the holiday season? Traditionally, my family wouldn’t put up anything until after Thanksgiving, as did many other families around me. But now with all the confusion and chaos the world has been giving us, is it okay to attribute this to it as well?

What are your thoughts?

When does the holiday season start? In my mind we are currently still in hoodie and fall outfit season. This starts when the weather gets colder and lasts until Thanksgiving. Then, right after, you can pull out the holiday sweaters and deck all out.

Am I being too strict about this? Is this even something one should be worrying about when final exams are right around the corner, my social life keeps getting more complicated, and I haven’t nailed down all of my future goals?

I'm a creative writer at heart and love to write about my experiences around me! My only flaw about this, is I tend to procrastinate sitting down and writing it out!