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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

It’s hard not to get caught up in having to perform in society. Whether it’s at school, work, or even in your relationships. I often think about the ways in which I could be doing (performing) better.

As an introvert, my energy drains quick. I really value my time to recharge, because once I do it, I am a much better human. And the same goes for extroverts. I think it’s important for everyone to set time aside to recharge and reflect on how they feel and why they feel that way.

Setting boundaries is extremely important when you are looking after yourself. A lot of the time, boundaries have had a negative connotation. However, boundaries can be very helpful and healthy. Especially if you are maintaining them in a good, vigorous way.

Saying ‘no’

There are a few people in my life who don’t know how to say the word NO (me included) and it can be frustrating for a few reasons. You fear saying “no” because you don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings. Or, you don’t know how to make time for yourself.

But saying no is the first step in setting boundaries for yourself. It might not feel good in the moment but you will be thankful for it later on.

Making time for yourself

When you do something for yourself, you are treating yourself how you treat everyone else. And it can be easy to forget that you need to treat yourself but it’s important to make time to do things you want to do. It may not feel important in the moment, it may even feel unnecessary. But as time goes on, you will start to feel deflated because you haven’t given back to yourself.


It’s hard to say no to the things you have to do. So, that’s when you need to step back and access. What are the things you need to do? What are the things you don’t have to do? Who should you make time for?

Find out what will benefit your wellbeing the most and then go from there. Personally, I find myself putting a lot of time and energy into people with little to nothing in return and it makes me feel SO drained. That’s when I need to look at my situation from an outside perspective and think about what I should be doing to avoid feeling drained.

Because, in the end, it will help me be the best version of me that I can be.

It’s okay to do all of these things. Some people might not like it in the moment, but they also need to understand that they should be doing the same. You are allowed to give to others but to also give to yourself. Making time for yourself, involving in one small act of self-care each day, and setting good boundaries are some of the ways you can start maintaining a healthy relationship between yourself and your world.

Mackenzie (Kenzie) is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus @ RIT. She is studying English and Creative Writing, with a minor in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Kenzie's goal is to become an editor in the Young Adult publishing scene and to provide more accurate representation of intersecting identities.