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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

Sometimes all you want out of relationships with others is one simple thing. It isn’t much, but depending on who you are and what you value, it changes. For myself, I value communication. I need it to survive in any form of relationship with someone. It is how I grow and thrive while helping others do the same.

How am I supposed to know something is wrong or bothering you if you do not communicate so? How will I know I did something to hurt you if you do not say something? I don’t know what is going on in someone’s head but if you communicate with me how you are feeling, maybe I will know a little more about the situation. I can’t play guessing games. I won’t assume, nor can I assume. 

What hurts most is when that is all you want and is not what you get. How are you supposed to move forward and understand the situation around you if all of what you ask for is gone? Is there some new form of communication that involves ignoring people and the problem at hand? If that is the way, how does one move forward? Has communication become a lost art? Are we too caught up in ourselves that we forget about the interactions with others? I just want to have a simple conversation. Is this a thing of the past? Let’s start with talking, the rest will come naturally. There is no pressure, just let the words come on their own.

Communication is all I desire, is it too simple to ask?

I'm a creative writer at heart and love to write about my experiences around me! My only flaw about this, is I tend to procrastinate sitting down and writing it out!