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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

Congrats! We’ve officially clawed our way out of the summer heat and entered the Autumn season. The holidays will soon be upon us, but you have every right to enjoy your downtime before then. Whether you want to chill inside or brave the cold, there are many ways to keep yourself occupied during this beautiful time of year. Here are my favorite things to do during the Autumn season:

Go to an Orchard or a Farm!

Whether you want to pick apples or pumpkins, going to an orchard or farm with a few friends or family can be a lot of fun. This is the epitome of the Autumn season for me: watching the leaves turn and getting to harvest fruit with the people closest to you. Plus, many of the treats you get from these farms can be turned into delicious desserts and meals later on!

Visit a Haunted House!

There’s nothing better than a good scare this Halloween, so go visit a haunted house or local haunted attraction! The October chill is perfect for a haunted hayride, and you and your friends can enjoy the natural Autumn sights with a little bit of Halloween mixed in.

Make Autumn-related Treats!

I have an annual tradition of making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies around October and November. They’re a fun twist on normal cookies that fit perfectly within the autumn aesthetic! Halloween and Thanksgiving treats truly make the Autumn season feel like Autumn. Pumpkin pie, the millions of different apple treats you can make, and even more! There really are no limits to what you can make when a great fall treat is just one recipe away.

Watch some Halloween films!

My roommates and I have been watching plenty of horror movies this October. We started with the 1978 classic Halloween, but have been working our way up to the holiday weekend, in which we’ll be doing a whole binge of the Exorcist movies! Even some of the greatest animated movies are horror and Halloween-themed, such as Coraline and Nightmare Before Christmas (that’s one you can watch all holiday season!), so there’s really something for everyone.

If horror movies aren’t your thing, that’s fine! Just sit down with a bowl of Halloween candy and watch your favorite flick. That way you still have the spirit without being scared.

Even if you’re not able to do any of these things, then I hope you can make your Autumn season the best it can be this year. It really doesn’t matter what you do, but who you do it with. Be thankful for your friends and family, and give them a small scare while you’re at it!~

Hannah Hodgdon is a third-year Illustration major at Rochester Institute of Technology and the vice president of HerCampus RIT. She enjoys art, baking, and writing. In her free time, Hannah can be found drawing or watching YouTube.