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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

RIT alumni Brendan Nagle is undoubtedly a Campus Celebrity. Graduating from RIT with a film major, Brendan went on to complete graduate school at Syracuse University and is back in Rochester currently working a feature film called “The Essentials” that is set to premiere downtown around February/March! Also, check out his website, http://thebrendannagle.com, to check out more of his work!
What was your favorite class/professor?
Flag Football with Roger Worsley. Took it 8 times in 4 years. I considered myself a double major in Film Production and Flag Football.
What was your favorite food place on campus? 
Specific item… Freshens’ Berry Breeze Smoothies. I think they’ve changed the ingredients now though. Blasphemy. That stuff was nectar of the gods.
Least favorite part about RIT?
In the spring, those Bradford pear trees on the quarter mile made me want to commit olfactory suicide. I know they look really nice… but you can’t smell them in pictures.
What dorm did you live in?
NRH6 freshman year. I was an RA for the remainder of college, so I went to Sol 3, Phi Delt, then ROTC. Always all guys. Gotta love the testosterone overload on an eventful weekend.
Piece of advice about how to survive RIT?
Quit complaining about what you think sucks, just go out and meet friends. You’ll miss it when it’s gone.
Advice to girls about how to survive RIT?
Don’t be afraid to step up and challenge the men in any regard, as you’ll probably win, then will soon be regarded as an item too hot to handle and will avoid a lot of objectification while gaining respect from both genders.
Have you visited recently?
Yes, I’m working on the movie in Rochester and am still pretty tight with a lot of the younger Film kids and AEPi guys.
What was the biggest change to campus you noticed?
Global Village. No doubt. RIT is blowing up since I’ve left.
If you could give a RIT student one piece advice of how to survive RIT, what would it be?
DO EVERYTHING. There’s a lot at your disposal for a short amount of time that can be accessed in a professional way, but under the Rambunctious College Kid Defense if need be. Plus there are plenty of parties and social circles to weave in and out of each weekend… there’s no excuse to not have a huge variety of friends.
Questions about you!
What has been your favorite experience in your career so far? (i.e.Meeting your favorite celebrity, getting published in a certain magazine, etc.)
I’m currently Producing / Directing a feature film right here in Rochester with a star studded cast of local actors I met while in RIT Film School. My partner is still a student there so I’ve gotten some of the other students to help out with great success. Look for The Essentials premiering downtown this February / March!
(shameless plug: http://vimeo.com/32147758 )
Craziest thing you’ve had to do in your career so far?
Completing Grad School while Producing a Feature Film in a completely different city while suffering daily for the entire year from a truly debilitating case of sciatica… pretty intense.
What has been your “key to success”?
Trying everything twice and never settling for anything less than the absolute best.
What was the hardest obstacle you’ve come across thus far?
Deciding what to do with my life. I started making movies in High School, but most of them were actually assignment alternatives. Write a paper? A Presentation? Nah, make a movie. It worked out for a while, then came for the big decision to make about College. I was really starting to think that being a Lawyer was the way to go, but I figured I’d put off reality and a conventional career path by continuing to make movies in College for another few years. After graduating, I wasn’t ready to move to Los Angeles, so I went onto pursue my Masters in Broadcast Journalism from Syracuse University. I’d figured that making all those movies was a nice way to transition into a “real job”. One year later I’d completed the program… and I’m making another movie. Destiny has come calling yet again and this time I won’t ignore it.
If you could pick any job in the entire world, what would it be?
The world needs a new Mel Brooks. I wouldn’t mind sitting in Spielberg’s chair for the next 30 or 40 years though, either.
Any advice for how accomplish your goals?
Master the handshake ‘n smile. I can’t really confirm or deny it’s effectiveness, but people tell me that’s how I get things done, and things have usually worked out in my favor.
How do you pump yourself up to get motivated? (i.e. a song you listen to, a quote you have memorize, things like that!=] )
The most motivating thing for taking some initiative on “the next project” is to go back and watch the last ones. It’s dangerous to make things too personal, but as long as there’s enough in there for me to come back and connect to, whether as an accomplishment or a nice little tidbit that only I recognize, it’s motivating to go out and top that the next time. Being able to make yourself smile (and others, of course) is a pretty powerful thing.
For the less idealistic answer… Just being physically fit enough to have the energy to spontaneously move faster than everyone else in my way is pretty awesome. Probably the most tried and true asset I have. If I ever get fat, I expect my productivity will plummet into oblivion.
For the lazy answer… Pink Floyd, Creed, Led Zeppelin, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Van Halen, and Disturbed usually complete the spectrum of aural inspiration / motivation

Olivia is a sophomore Advertising and Public Relations major at the Rochester Institute of Technology. She works for RIT SportsZone as a reporter and in the marketing department. She is now also a co-founder of the RIT HerCampus branch which she can't wait to get started! Her biggest dream is to have her own talk show or to work as a reporter for ESPN. Her hobbies include acting and singing and she is almost always performing. She also has an unhealthy addiction to peanut butter and feels the need to put it on everything she eats! After RIT she hopes to attend performing school in New York City where she plans to live for the rest of her life and fullfill her dreams.