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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rider chapter.
ask Miss Lapaix answer all of your burning questions from changing a man’s wardrobe to why nice guys never win. After reading, everybody will be winning—well, maybe not Charlie Sheen…

Q: What should I do about my no-good lover who treats me bad?
Q: What do I do if the boy I like has a girlfriend?
A: STOP LIKING HIM. There are more fish in the sea and you don’t want to step on another woman’s toes. Got it? 
Q: How should you deal with an ex that won’t leave you alone?
A: Simon says, “Tell your ex the truth.” Let him know that you are not interested and what you guys had is OVER. Make this clear. If this doesn’t work, you can always ignore him, he will get the picture eventually.
Q: Why do girls choose the man that treats her like crap over “the nice-guy?”
A: This is a good question and is often asked by “the nice guy.” But truth is, woman like bad boys or at least the illusion of what a bad boy is composed of. Women want the bad boy and the gentlemen, mixed into one and this combo is difficult to find. Usually, bad boys are spontaneous, sexually aggressive, bold etc, women are into that but they also want a compassionate, sensitive, good boy. The bad boy is passionate and “in your face,” and that is alluring. Sometimes, nice guys lack this characteristic. So, quick tip: Become a bad boy, without really becoming a bad boy. Have an edge but make sure she knows that you can provide a safe, stable relationship. If you master this, you have unlocked what many cannot comprehend, the secret to a woman’s heart.
Q: How do you nicely encourage your man to retire the sweats and sweaters and start wearing real clothes without making him feel inferior to other men or just insecure?
A: Well, I think that if you want his wardrobe to change, YOU must purchase the clothes. So, take him on a shopping spree and switch the roles. Don’t tell him what you are thinking about doing, just ask him to come with you and be open-minded. Then hit some stores that you think he will like and take it easy on him, it’s a slow process. Just tell him that you think he would be way sexier in more mature clothing, he will appreciate the flattery and try things on for his lover. I’m sure it will be an equally satisfying, sexy experience. 

Hello, my name is Amy Lapaix, I am a senior, majoring in Communication with a track in Interpersonal Speech and Communication and minor in Gender Studies. I am ALL about Womyn (yes, with an "y"), empowerment, the arts and spreading L-O-V-E. Got a question? Ask your Campus Queen and you shall receive a genuine answer!