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Keep Your Eyes on Renée George

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rider chapter.

Hailing from Newark, New Jersey our celebrity this week is not only a double major in elementary education and radio and TV but also the President of Women’s Center, Historian of BSU, Public Relations of R.O.C.A.S., Reggie Walker’s cast of 1960 Black, which she has a role in as well. Renée George, who was always taught by her single parent mother who has earned her master’s after years of hard work and dedication to be a leader instead of a follower, is a young woman full of passions—modeling, acting and educating inner city students, just to name a few. But her burgeoning passion for women’s issues and leadership were the paramount of our discussion with the budding thespian/principle/TV personality.
You are the current president of Women’s center. What prompted you to join the staff of this particular organization?

I’ve been in Women’s Center since my freshman year. A few of my MSLI peer leaders were exec board member of the organization and that encouraged me to join. I’ve been on the exec board myself for two years. I started as the Public Relations Chair, and now I’m the president. I was elected president because I took initiative when women’s center was in a time of need.  Women’ Center isn’t a club that specifically targets a culture. We welcome members of all backgrounds, and even though some of us are feminists we do welcome men. When we have discussions our members share their different views and perspectives issues. It’s a multicultural organization that welcomes all!

You are extremely passionate about women’s issues. Tell us why.
I feel that women’s issues often go unheard. There’s little fundraising or raising and rising of awareness unless it women’s history month. A husband isn’t going to beat his wife only during women’s history month. A woman isn’t going to undergo surgery to remove her cancerous breasts only during women’s history month. And a rapist is going to molest a young girl only during women’s history month. There are issued that need to be heard all year round.

You’re in a lot of clubs and organizations. Are you equally passionate about all of them or does one stand above the rest?
I wouldn’t say that one of them stands above the rest, but Women’s Center is my baby because it’s the organization that I put in the most time and effort for. First and foremost, before anything else, I am a woman. I love the nonprofit work that we do for the women in our community, the fundraising and partnership with charities is just the beginning.
I’m a leader in the black student union became it’s my culture. It’s important that in a predominately Caucasian institution that there is a strong minority voice and I want to be part of that change. I’m a member of R.O.C.A.S because I am also of Caribbean descent. It’s a place where I can interact with others that share the same culture and host events that are culturally significant to me. A lot of times when students go off the college, their roots are left at home. I thought that it was important for me to still have that at Rider.
If you had an extra hour in a day, how would you spend it?
My schedule is crazy. I’m taking 18 credits and 8:00am’s mon-fri, not to mention I work two jobs. My Education classes are from 8:30-2:10. I rarely have time to work out. So, that’s probably what I would do if I had extra time. And of course spend time with my loved ones.

On a scale of 1-5 how organized are you?
I do have a planner but I rarely use it. Most of the time I take mental notes. I would say I’m about a 4 on a scale of 1-5. There are days where I wake up motivated and I’m able to get a lot done, and there are days when I feel and do the total opposite. However, I always get my tasks accomplished. I think that organization key to being a proficient multi-tasker.

If money were not an object, what would you do with your life?
Money is definitely an object. Money makes the world go around and that’s never going to change. When I was a kid I wanted to be Miss Universe, America’s Next Top Model, and an actress. Those dreams aren’t gone; they’ve just been pushed aside by tangible goals. If money were not an object I would definitely be a socialite. I would host charity event for fun, and mingle with the elite. I would wake up in the morning and decide that I wanted my own perfume or clothing line and make it happen.

What is the single best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
That’s a no-brainer. That would definitely be attending college. It’s the best decision that I can make for my future. I have matured tremendously through trials that I’ve experienced and I’m thankful. College has made me even more of a well-rounded and open-minded individual. It has given me independence.

What is your definition of a leader?
A leader is someone who takes initiative, but is not afraid to take orders themselves and strives for change without being easily deferred. A leader doesn’t leave their responsibilities but faces them head on.

What has been the most rewarding moment for you at Rider?
I think the most rewarding moment would be every time I get my Dean’s list letter in the mail. It gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Yes I work and I’m involved but school comes first. When it comes to my grades, I don’t play.

Make sure to stay connected with Renee on Facebook.

A New Jersey native, Amber S. Brown is an ambitious communication/journalism student who aspires to have a career in the magazine world. Amber is a well-rounded and committed student who has repeatedly earned herself a spot on the Dean’s list at her university. Her thirst and energy for writing, style, and fitness keeps her one step ahead of everyone else. Driven to bring something fresh and new to the magazine industry, Amber continues to be focused, motivated, and has an unbreakable “anything’s possible” attitude.