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Ask Danielle: Go Dutch?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rider chapter.

Dear Danielle: 
Valentine’s Day is coming up and I’m in a dilemma: My boyfriend and I usually go out every Friday and Saturday night, usually to dinner or to the movies and he always pays. We’ve been going out for about two months now and I’m starting to feel a little guilty and I don’t want him to thin I’m a gold-digger and am just along for a free ride. I was thinking that we we go out for dinner on Valentines Day that I would treat him to dinner as a present. Some of my friends think I shouldn’t. One girlfriend suggested that we share the bill. What do you think?
Dear Should I Pay: My golden rule is that the guy should pay if he initiates the date. Always. If a guy is into you, no matter what his financial situation is, he will be willing to pay for a date. Most guys like to spoil a girl. It makes them feel all-powerful. Manly. Let hm court you.
As far as splitting the bill half and half, this idea just doesn’t sit too well with me. In my mind, it takes the romance out of dating and puts out a “friend” vibe. My suggestion to you if you’re worried about your boyfriend’s pockets is to simply offer to pay for the bill, even if you really don’t have real intentions on paying. He’ll appreciate the offer, but a true gentlemen will always pay.  

Send your questions to browndan@rider.edu.