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Will Montgomery ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

Name: Will Montgomery
Hometown: Fayetteville, AR
Year: 2016     
Major: Undecided
Nicknames: Monty

HerCampus:What is one thing that you wish more people knew about you?
WM: I can always go for a nice game of Mario Kart.

HC: If you could be a girl for one day what would you do?
WM: Hang out on the 3rd floor of Williford. Even though I live in the dorm, as a guy I’m always afraid to venture up there. It’s a maze.

HC: What is your dream honeymoon?
WM: Greece

HC: Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
WM: Mountains

HC: What is your favorite restaurant in Memphis?
WM: Westy’s

HC: Where is your favorite place to study on campus?
WM: The library cubicles.

HC: What is your dream job?
WM: Being able to do voices for animated movies.

HC: If you could go back and tell past Will something, what would it be?
WM: Tell Bobby Petrino to stay away from the motorcycles.

HC:  What is your idea of a romantic campus date?
WM: A nice fireside dinner in the Rat.

HC Would you ever consider being on The Bachelor and what would your catch phrase be?
WM: Absolutely, I’m an avid viewer of The Bachelor. My catch phrase would have to be “Woo Pig Sooie”.

HC: What super hero would you be and why? 
WM: The Flash. Super speed would be pretty cool.  

HC: Who is your celebrity crush?
WM: Alex Morgan

HC: Who is your upperclassman Rhodes Crush?
WM: Patrick Kilkenny