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Why You NEED to Spend a Summer in Memphis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

As Rhodes girls, we are bred to continuously hunt for internships or study abroad programs that will challenge our current perspectives of the world (and hopefully dazzle future employers). Before you try to broaden your horizons though, it is equally beneficial to submerge yourself in the distinctive city that we already live in. It takes time to fully appreciate Memphis because it lacks a sole identity. Instead, it envelopes a culture defined by a mixture of influences, reflected in its diverse population, wide range of ethnic and local cuisines, and mesh of jazz, rock and folk music you can hear walking downtown on a given day. Here are the top reasons why finding a summer job in Memphis should be on every Rhodes girl’s bucket list before graduation:

  1. Turn your friends into family: No matter how much time I spent with them during the past two years on campus, nothing compares to how connected I felt to my friends after sharing a summer in Memphis. By removing ourselves from the school routine, we created an opportunity to do things like explore different pockets of the city, make dinner together at home, and take weekend trips. I was also able to spend quality time with students outside of my best friends, allowing me to branch out within the Rhodes community and realize that while our student population is small, there are always plenty people left to meet.
  2. Learn your way around: Spending a summer in Memphis allows you to get comfortable in all of the quirky sections of the city that you probably glaze over during the school year. You can grab a bite to eat at a restaurant in Cooper Young, go downtown for BBQ Fest, or go for a run along the river on Mud Island. You think you know these places, but until you truly make them part of your home instead of occasional ventures off campus you are only touching the surface of the richness of the Memphis culture.
  3. Make valuable connections: Local professionals are primarily but not limited to, Rhodes, Vanderbilt, and University of Memphis graduates who want to see Rhodes students succeed. Taking a summer job here will connect you to Memphians who are eager to read your résumé, discuss your major studies, or make suggestions for your career path. People in this city value the education we are receiving. The contacts you will make will not only be helpful for future career plans, but will also make you feel more involved in the one-of-a-kind community we are a part of.
  4. Put the bubble in perspective: Since freshmen year I have been warned to “get out of the bubble.” Rhodes will (and should) always be home base, but you will miss out if you rarely leave the confines of campus. While I have lived at Rhodes for the past two years, it wasn’t until last summer that I witnessed the collision of several dynamics; the clash of gorgeous historic homes down the street from people living in poverty, the beautiful Mississippi River on a sunny day versus abandoned buildings a few streets over, the security you can feel one minute and the apprehension you might experience the next…and now that I have seen what Memphis is really made of, I wouldn’t change any of it, even if I could.
Rhodes '10, Political Science Major, from Princeton, N.J.