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Why Homecoming/Alumni Weekend is the Bomb.com

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

Every Homecoming Weekend, we get to expect a variety of things to happen whether it’s juicy, funny, embarrassing – the list goes on. And the best part is that you’re celebrating with a diverse group of Rhodes alumni, ranging from former frat stars to Ke$ha’s brother who apparently went to Rhodes at some point in his life (Disclaimer: may not be accurate. Just a word of mouth thing, that’s all). I enjoy Homecoming Weekend every year and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Because Homecoming is like Rhodes’ Christmas of the year: being showered with the vast memories of Homecoming in the form of crazy fun alumni who literally tell you the great tales of Rhodes “back-in-the-day” and can show you the true meaning of #freshmenforever.
  1. Campus Tours
    As a Diplomat, I’ve given my fair share of alumni campus tours. And they’re the best. Why? Because add random alumni to a tour group, subtract all the statistical information they already know, multiply the number of crazy college stories/adventures, divide the stories amongst the group and that just equals pure laughter. I swear some of these alumni lived by the motto #YOLO back in the day because once you hear these stories, I swear I’ve gained like an eight-pack. The perks of being a tour guide. Unless of course, you end up with a quiet group. Then…sorry.

    For future reference: The Lynx Statue…next time bring some sanitizer or something. That statue has some stories of its own.

  2. Tailgating
    Of course no good Homecoming is without a massive tailgate at Frat Row. The music is blaring, current & former frat bros are beer ponging it up, grills are grilling, and girls are snapping pictures like nobody’s business (because it’s Homecoming and these pics need to go on our Facebooks, duh). Before the game, we like to pre-celebrate and get to socialize with all sorts of people. The environment is crazy, but fun. And let’s face it, nothing is better than seeing a class of ’53 alumni kicking a class of ’15 student’s @$$ in shot gunning a beer. Git R Done.

    Also, tailgate with Rhodes United for St. Jude on Saturday in support of St. Jude by the tents near the frat lot. Rumor has it that they’ll have Stick Em’, water ice and some St. Jude swag…I get to support a great cause by tailgating? Now that’s cooler than cool – it’s ice cold!

  3. Football Game
    The biggest game of the year, always packing the crowds to watch the Lynx crush their opponent. The Pack does a great job of pumping up the entire student body by giving away Pack stuff, getting the crowd going and overall spreading the homecoming cheer. Granted, we’re only a Division III school, but we know what’s up. Centre, we’re coming for ya!


  4. Mr. & Mrs. Rhodes
    Always the anticipated event at halftime. We’re supporting our favorite people on campus as they are in the running for the title of Rhodes’ Next Top Mr. & Ms. Rhodes. Just kidding, Mr. & Mrs. Rhodes but be sure to come and cheer on your lovely fellow Rhodents. And the winner is……..


  5. Homecoming Parade
    Something that was revived 2 years ago, the annual Homecoming Parade lets different student groups create their own floats portraying their version of school spirit. But of course, the added fun of a float competition. Granted, floats aren’t as elaborate or creative as they used to be (check out past Homecoming floats – absolutely insane) but nevertheless, it’s always fun to see how each gorup decided to decorate their float. One thing is for sure, I can never shake the image of ATO and their Christmas themed sled with Santa and the reindeer. Forever engrained, forever entertaining, #foreverfreshmanyear.


  6. Food, Food and Food
    Did I mention food?

Happy Homecoming everyone, and hope everyone has a blast enjoying the events that transpire throughout the weekend!


Photo Credits (in order):

DLYNX Rhodes College Archive

I Love Memphis Blog: http://ilovememphisblog.com/20…

Priscilla is a senior at Rhodes College, a liberal arts college located in Memphis, TN. She intends on majoring in Commerce & Business and minoring in International Studies. She currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief & Her Campus Rhodes Campus Correspondent. In addition to working on the Her Campus Rhodes team, Priscilla is a sister of the Delta Delta Delta sorority, Rhodes College Diplomat, Rhodes Activities Board representative, and a Rhodes Peer Assistant. She loves flowers, hiking, cooking, music, hanging out with friends and exploring good Memphis eats!