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Spencer Smith ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.



Name: Spencer Smith

Hometown: Austin, TX

Year: 2016

Major: Political Science

Campus Involvement: SAE, Football, Special Olympics

Hobbies: Football, going to the lake, laughing, and socks


Her Campus Rhodes: What is one thing that you wish more people knew about you?

Spencer Smith: I’m really laid back and love meeting new people. And I’m not just a dumb jock; I’ve got a head on my shoulders.


HCR: What do you look for in a girl?

SS: She has got to be funny, gotta be able to make me laugh. She has to smile a lot and generally be in a good mood. I prefer athletic girls; ones that I can go to the park with and play catch, or will run around and play with my dogs and me. And my momma has to like her.


HCR: What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?

SS: Took a girl for a helicopter tour of the city then brought her back home and made dinner for her.


HCR: What superhero would you be and why?

SS: Superman for sure. He can fly, he has got super strength, laser vision, X-Ray vision, he can pretty much do it all. Plus he works for a news station which is what I want to do.


HCR: If you could date a Disney Princess who would it be and why?

SS: Gotta be Rapunzel, I’m a sucker for long, blond hair. And she is pretty feisty/fun in Tangled, which is a positive.


HCR: If you could tell the past Spencer something what would it be?

SS: Keep your priorities straight, and if your going to do something, or commit to something, do it full heartedly. Don’t leave room for what-ifs.


HCR: What is your favorite thing to do in your down time?

SS: Hanging out with friends and just swap stories. Or go for a ride, just drive around with some friends till you find somewhere new to stop.


HCR: If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why?

SS: Jesus, I feel like he would have a lot of important things to say and could definitely answer quite a few questions.


HCR: Boxers or briefs?

SS: Neither. Jk boxers.


HCR: A rumor has circulated campus saying that you have a tattoo of Texas, is that true and if so where is it located?
SS: Haha yes, it’s true. The location is for you to find out.

Priscilla is a senior at Rhodes College, a liberal arts college located in Memphis, TN. She intends on majoring in Commerce & Business and minoring in International Studies. She currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief & Her Campus Rhodes Campus Correspondent. In addition to working on the Her Campus Rhodes team, Priscilla is a sister of the Delta Delta Delta sorority, Rhodes College Diplomat, Rhodes Activities Board representative, and a Rhodes Peer Assistant. She loves flowers, hiking, cooking, music, hanging out with friends and exploring good Memphis eats!