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Rhodes Sexperts: Here to Answer Your Sex-Related Questions!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

Have you heard of the group of Rhodes students who are trained Sexperts? If you haven’t, continue reading because this relatively new student group has a lot to share with the Rhodes community!

As part of the student group VOX: Voices of Planned Parenthood, Rhodes Sexperts are students who have been trained in healthy relationship tips, STI’s, methods of birth control, and other aspects of sexual health. Most importantly, they want to answer your questions about sex!

Co-President of VOX, Leah Ford explains how, “Sexperts and VOX are aware of the ways that lack of access to contraceptives and birth control can be an obstacle to having safe sex.” She adds that they “are working hard through both of those groups to make contraceptives more available to Rhodes students, and we will hopefully be able to do the same for the Memphis community through Planned Parenthood sometime in the future.”

The Sexpert office is located in Briggs 311. Here, Sexperts will be available during office hours to answer sex-related questions or give advice confidentially. Students need to set up a meeting with Sexpert by emailing Leah Ford: forla-15@rhodes.edu. There will even be condoms and other sexual health supplies outside of the office 24/7. The office hours are the following:

  • Mondays 2-4 pm
  • Wednesdays 1-4 pm
  • Thursdays 3:30-5:30 pm
  • Fridays 10-11 am
  • Saturdays 2-4 pm

Through their tumblr, you can ask anonymous questions or browse the sexual health and reproductive justice information: http://rhodessexperts.tumblr.com/

Don’t let your sex questions go unanswered! Set up an appointment with a Sexpert or visit the tumblr today!

If anyone is interested in becoming a trained Sexpert, email Leah Ford to find out about the next training!

Kinney Women's Service Coordinator, Rhodes Class of 2013, Lover of cupcakes and icecream