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Matt Walker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rhodes chapter.

HerCampus: How old are you?

Matt: 21…I mean, 22. My birthday was yesterday!

HC: Oh, wow. Happy belated birthday! What’s your favorite thing about Rhodes?

M: Probably the community. There aren’t many students and it’s a tight-knit community.

HC: What’s the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

M: Don’t worry too much about grades

HC: If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would you have dinner with?

M: Um, definitely Justin Timberlake. That would be awesome. Or Beyonce.

HC: What’s your ideal first date?

M: Definitely dinner because I love food. And then something fun and active because it makes the first date less awkward—like rollerskating, bowling, Put-Put, or something like that.

HC: What’s one word that describes your style?

M: I’ll go with preppy.

HC: What are your favorite personality traits in girls?

M: Humor and lightheartedness.

HC: What about appearance-wise?

M: I would definitely say I like brunettes.

HC: What’s a hidden talent you have?

M: I’m a really good whistler.

HC: What’s your biggest pet peeve?

M: Pessimists.

Priscilla is a senior at Rhodes College, a liberal arts college located in Memphis, TN. She intends on majoring in Commerce & Business and minoring in International Studies. She currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief & Her Campus Rhodes Campus Correspondent. In addition to working on the Her Campus Rhodes team, Priscilla is a sister of the Delta Delta Delta sorority, Rhodes College Diplomat, Rhodes Activities Board representative, and a Rhodes Peer Assistant. She loves flowers, hiking, cooking, music, hanging out with friends and exploring good Memphis eats!