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Commuter Winter Must-Haves!!!!!!!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ramapo chapter.

When the weather gets colder, it’s tough being a commuter! From the long hikes up the parking lot in the cold to those unbearable rainy days, check out this commuter must haves from a commuter herself!

Rain Boots

Love them or hate them you got to admit that rain boots are definite must have for commuters. Sure you can wear those comfy pair of Uggs or those sneakers but halfway up your walk up campus; your shoes are probably soaked. Does this situation sound familiar? If you are simply tired of soaked jeans and socks maybe it’s to invest in some rain boots.  Not only are they sturdy and water proof, but rain boots can make any outfit fashionable! For rain boots that are friendly on the college girl budget, check out Target and Payless for some cheap finds.


You might think wearing that hoodie in the rain makes you look edgy but chances are you might get sick being exposed to cold rain especially in the winter months.  Great for Christmas gifts or great just to have on hand, umbrellas are truly the gift that keeps on giving. If you are anything like me, walking up the hill on campus in the rain is a pain! Having a umbrella with you not only keeps you nice and dry but it might spare you a cold as well!

Thermoses/Water Jugs

Sure you could always stop at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks before class, but paying $2 a day for coffee drinks can get expensive as those expenses tend to rack up. If you want to save yourself some money buying a portable thermos can help you enjoy your coffee fix without having to pay out for it. Thermoses also make a great option for tea drinkers too.


I can’t stress this one enough! When the cold weather hits, it’s so important to protect yourself from getting sick. No, you don’t have to wear your grandmother’s hat as hats nowadays come in all shapes and types. For some fashionable hat finds be sure to check out stores like Forever 21 and H&M!