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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Name: Zach Tolkinen

Age: 24

Major: Finance

Hometown: Lino Lakes, Minnesota

Languages: French

Relationship Status: Single

Celebrity Crush: Amber Heard, Scarlett Johansson

Hobbies: Fishing, water skiing, reading, road biking, being outdoors

Three words that best describe you: Easy-going, witty, a gentleman

Describe your ideal girl: Smart, funny, cute, outdoorsy, confident, isn’t afraid to not wear make-up

Your take on pickup lines: Yay or Nay? I think they can be extremely funny and a great conversation starter. The cheesier the better.

So you’re at the bar and you see the girl of dreams, how do you get her attention? Make eye contact and make my way over to strike up a conversation.

Most embarrassing moment at QU: I’ve had more than my fair share. I’m pretty good at walking into things, and spilling water/coffee in the Caf. I’ve done each a few times.

Ideal date: For a first date go out for a cup of coffee and get to know the girl. If we’ve known each other for awhile go out to the lake or play tennis, something active.

Your opinion of the dating scene at QU? I hope to be able to answer that question someday.

Describe your three best physical traits: Oh boy, well for sure my hair. After that it really falls off. I’m lucky enough to still have all my teeth so I’ll go with my smile and my backside.

Favorite genre of music: Big country music fan.

Top three things on your bucket list:

1.     Go to the Olympics

2.     Visit Finland

3.     Learn to play the guitar

Do you have a favorite quote: “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”  -Mark Twain

Favorite sport at QU: Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Softball

Fun Facts? I can play the Piano. I lived for a year in North Pole, Alaska.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?  I would be able to fly. Who doesn’t want to fly?

Biggest turn off? Wearing too much make-up or talking too much about themselves.

Favorite food? Steak and Potatoes.

What meal would you cook for a girl? I would grill lemon zested chicken with potatoes and asparagus. Maybe a nice strawberry salad to go with it.

Number one thing that you are looking forward to this year: I’m looking forward to enjoying my last semester of my senior year.

Sweetest thing you have done for a girl: I’ve cooked the occasional meal, and I have ordered a special bakery delivery from 4,000 miles away