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Your Guide to Internships

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Even though it is only October it is never too early to start looking for spring internships! Even if your major does not require you to get an internship, it is a great way to gain insightful experience outside of the classroom. A lot of companies are going to start looking for their spring interns early and deadlines will start creeping up. Here are my top four places where you can find your dream internship this fall:

1. Internships.com– This website is a great resource to start to see what different types of internships are out there! This is your one stop marketplace for any internship, anywhere! You can even specify what type of internship, the location and whether it is paid or unpaid.

2. LinkedIn- If you don’t have a LinkedIN Profile by now you need to get one. This is a great resource to not only network with professionals, but to find internships. There are many groups including internships & interns or ones specifically for your major that regularly post internships. You can also search for internships that have been posted on a companies page.

3. Twitter- Twitter is no longer just for tweeting your friends, but now you can find internships too! You can follow hashtags and accounts designated for internship postings! My personal favorites that I follow are: @internmatch, @InternQueen @NYCInterns and @Internships

4. Career Services- Even though social media and the Internet are now the fastest and easiest ways to find internships, Career Services is still a great resource. They can help you navigate your way through all of this internship chaos. They also post internships regularly on QU Career Connections found on Myq and for all communications majors Qu Career connections is always posting internships @qucommcareers.

So ladies, get your resumes ready, your interview skills in check and start applying today! You never know what new opportunity could arise once you start looking.

Callie Barkley is the Campus Correspondent and a contributing writer for Quinnipiac University. At Quinnipiac, which is located in Callie's home state of Connecticut, she studies Public Relations with a minor in Computer Information Systems and will be graduating in 2014. Callie's writing interests are related to healthy eating, working out, and surviving the intern/job world. When Callie is not focused on her work she loves to spend time with her friends and family, travel, and will take up any offer to have a little fun!