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What People Think Singles Do on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

This goes out to all the single Collegiettes out there. This also goes out to those who think they know what singles do on Valentine’s Day:

As soon as February begins, they curse the day:

Spend the night with Ben and his friend Jerry:

Watch the romantic movies with their sidekick, Kleenex:

Get angry when people try to ask why they’re single:

Eat their sorrows away:

Constantly defend themselves for being single:

Listen to their non-single friends plan their dates…without trying to cry:

And when asked why they’re crying:

And did I mention cry…a lot?

And of course what people think tends to be over the top! So, if you’re single and fabulous, enjoy it, Collegiettes!!

Print Journalism major with a passion for fitness, health, life, and the simple things. If you want to read more of work, check out my blog: http://naturallymel.wordpress.com/