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What Do Your Dreams Mean?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


We all have dreams – the ones we remember and the ones we don’t.  According to Sigmund Freud, dreams are a look into our subconscious.  They are ways to release certain impulses or urges that have been repressed by our conscious.  Although we might not remember all of the dreams we have, there have been many interpretations of the ones we do remember.

1.     Falling – If you dream you are falling, it could mean you are feeling insecure.  You might have a fear of falling or you might be falling from a certain position in your life.

2.     Being Chased – This type of dream can happen when you are going through a period of anxiety.  You may be running away from someone or something.  If you are consciously avoiding something, this dream is your subconscious reminding you to confront and resolve the situation.

3.     Flying – This dream is about independence.  It means that you have control of your life and have released your feelings of self-doubt.

4.     Sexual Dreams – These dreams can range in meaning.  Experiences that stray from your comfort zone could mean that you are suppressing certain desires.  Experiences that are frightening could mean that you feel threatened or overpowered by someone.

5.     Recurring Dreams – These dreams are important to examine.  Recurring dreams are ways of trying to gain your attention about your life situation.  Regardless of your control, these dreams provide a message about your internal and external world. They won’t stop happening until you become fully aware and keep both worlds at peace.

Go to http://www.dreammoods.com/ to search and decode your dreams!