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What ‘American Horror Story: Coven’ Taught Me (Through GIFs!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Every time I tune in to American Horror Story: Coven I learn new things. So far I’ve learned:

1. That I don’t only have to wear all black to a funeral.

2. That I can make the perfect guy with just the right parts

3. …though he may not come out perfect.

4. That it’s okay to get angry sometimes.

5. And not be afraid to call people out and confront them when they’re rude to me.

6. And we can’t forget about calling out the haters I’ll encounter.

7. To be blunt.

8. Need a more confident walk? Observe.

Every Wednesday, American Horror Story: Coven teaches us something new; what has it taught you so far?  Tell us by tweeting @hercampusqu!

Print Journalism major with a passion for fitness, health, life, and the simple things. If you want to read more of work, check out my blog: http://naturallymel.wordpress.com/