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Top 5 Foods for Healthier Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Did you know that certain foods can make your skin healthier and smoother?  What you put into your body also affects your complexion.

Make sure you have your daily dose of these foods to give your skin a perfect glow:

1. Dark chocolate

Cocoa hydrates skin and is very high in antioxidants.  A few squares of dark chocolate a day can make your skin firmer and more luminous.  (And why wouldn’t you want an excuse to eat more chocolate?)

2. Carrots

These delicious vegetables can give your skin a natural glow.  The carotenoid is known to give you more yellow tones in your skin, which makes it look healthier.

3. Green tea

This yummy drink is known to make skin smoother and give it more elasticity.  It is very high in antioxidants, which prevent redness and inflammation.

4. Soy

Eat some edamame or drink some soy milk to gain a clearer complexion.  Soy has minerals and proteins that are proved to reduce hyperpigmentation.

5. Oatmeal

Whole grain oatmeal is great for your skin because it contains a large amount of vitamins.  Oats are also known for their skin-healing capabilities.

While there are a lot of foods that can improve your skin, these five are some of the best.  In addition to eating these, be sure to drink plenty of water, as hydration provides your skin with the necessary nourishment.  Try to stay away from greasy foods (obviously you have to indulge once in a while!) as the oil can cause breakouts.  However, don’t be afraid to sneak some dark chocolate.

May your skin always be glowing, collegiettes!


I am a student at Quinnipiac University and an aspiring magazine writer/editor.
I am an undergraduate journalism major at Quinnipiac University. I love reading, writing, shopping, studying fashion, working hard, playing hard, and learning new things. I entertain interests in women’s issues and enjoy writing about all things interesting, beautiful, and humorous. Follow my blog at http://melissasirois.tumblr.com to see more of my work!