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The Smart, Saavy Guide to Choosing Your Phone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Between Droids, Blackberries and now the iPhone making its debut on the Verizon network, there is some extra stiff competition between phones lately. Which phone is the best for you? Take a look at some of the pros and cons of each device!
The Blackberry:

Blackberries are the classic “professional” phone. Since the  Blackberry debut in 1999, business women (and men!) have been using their “crackberry” to plug in their schedules and keep track of appointments. Now, with BBM, Blackberry App World and internet, Blackberry users can do just about anything on their phones.
“I LOVE my Blackberry!” said sophomore Emily Kline. “I can’t imagine life without it, which is actually kind of sad!”
Blackberries are incredibly functional with their full QWERTY keyboards, navigation block (or ball) and full menu button.
The Research in Motion (RIM) Company recently released Blackberry 6.0 software for some of the newer models and the Blackberry Bold, which adds more functionality to the already easy format.
Pros: Easy to use, full keyboard, professional looking
Cons: Battery life, restarting takes a long time
You may be able to tell your friend has a Droid when they drag their finger in a pattern to unlock the screen—one of the cool aspects of this line of phones. Droids are quickly becoming increasingly popular and contain many of the same features other phones have.

 The Droid app store is constantly gaining more applications to add to your device whether it be one for music or a simple notepad.
One nice thing is that Droids hook up to a Gmail account so not only will you receive your e-mail, but if the phone ever breaks, everything is automatically backed up to that account.
Sophomore Jesse Macera said her favorite thing about the Droid is the iPhone-like touch screen with the added keyboard.
Some Droid models have a slide-out keyboard that doesn’t get in the way if you like the touch screen.
Pros: GPS, touch screen, apps
Cons: Battery life, runs slowly, heats up
Depending on Preference: some models do not have keyboards
The iPhone has pre
thing possible make the iPhone almost 100% personalized.
The iPhone receives e-mails, has internet access and a camera. The newest model of the iPhone also has a camera on the front so you can “Facetime” with someone instead of just calling. Facetime allows you to video conference with another iPhone user that has a camera.
iPhone design and software also makes the iPhone incredibly easy to use. With a touch screen, one home button and simple icons, the user can easily navigate around their phone and learn its capabilities.
Pros: Easy to use, apps for everything
Cons: battery life depends on what apps are being used, service can be expensive
In between: software updates often
The good ol’ phone:
Remember the Nokia “bricks” and phones that simply make calls, texts and take pictures? The ones that last forever even though you don’t want them to?
If you aren’t technically savvy or think your laptop is good enough to check emails, play games and stalk on Facebook then a “regular” phone might me the right one for you.
While phones that aren’t “smart” are becoming a dying breed, some still exist and are incredibly easy to use, have a better battery life and do the necessary phone requirements.
It may be hard to track down a friend without a full keyboard, BBM or games but they do still exist and work well.
Pros: Battery life, necessary items
Cons: no email, internet

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Johana Gutierrez is a Public Relations student at Quinnipiac University with a minor in International Business. She comes from a city life area in the Southern part of Connecticut.At Quinnipiac, she is the Alumni Relations Director for the International Business Society and member of PRSSA. This past summer, Johana interned at Live Nation Entertainment in NYC. In her free time, Johana enjoys going to concerts, listening to music and being in the company of her friends. She hopes to to continue her experience in the entertainment industry and ideally end up working at a record label.