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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

        You have seen them around campus wearing their blue and yellow coats and interacting with girls wearing identical jackets. But how many students truly have heard about the sorority Sigma Gamma Rho?
           Sigma Gamma Rho is an accredited Greek Life Organization at Quinnipiac University.  However, the sorority sisters are often over looked due to their small number in size or the color of their skin.
          Toki-Ann Wallace, member of SGRho commented, “I think because we are different people tend to shy away from us.  Because we are all black more people believe we are more exclusive than inclusive.” 
         Kappa Alpha Theta sister Diandra Petrocelli  said, “I think they are strong in numbers, while they are small, you do get to know the girls on a more personal level when they participate in Greek events.” Kappa Alpha Theta has not yet co-sponsored an event with SGRho, but would like to in the near future. 
       Sigma Gamma Rho was founded on Nov. 12, 1922 at Butler University in Indianapolis, IN, which was an all white university at the time.  The sorority was founded by seven educators and is now open to all majors.  The sisters pride themselves on the nonprofit social services that they take part in. Their colors are royal blue and gold.  The ladies’ mascot is the toy poodle and the sorority flower is the yellow tea rose, which is the only flower that dies gracefully and still has its scent once it dies.
While some may form the opinion that the sisters of Sigma Gamma Rho may get over looked because of their number or ethnicity, many disagree.
“I don’t think SGRho gets overlooked because it is a historically black sorority, I think they are starting a new foundation and it’s hard to gain a new awareness when you are new on a large campus” said Petrocelli.
Smith, a senior in SGRho said “What sets us apart from other sororities is we don’t settle for one philanthropy, we go to where the community needs us.”
The community service is what attracted Wallace and Smith to the organization in addition to the intense bond between the sisters. 
“I love my sisters, we get along perfectly.  They are always there to lend me a helping hand,” said Wallace. 
 “Sigma Gamma Rho doesn’t look to meet quotas, we go for quality.  There are only nine of us, compared to the hundreds in other sororities on campus,” said Smith. 
So, the next time you see the royal blue and gold jackets around campus recognize these dedicated ladies as the dedicated sisters of Sigma Gamma Rho. 

Johana Gutierrez is a Public Relations student at Quinnipiac University with a minor in International Business. She comes from a city life area in the Southern part of Connecticut.At Quinnipiac, she is the Alumni Relations Director for the International Business Society and member of PRSSA. This past summer, Johana interned at Live Nation Entertainment in NYC. In her free time, Johana enjoys going to concerts, listening to music and being in the company of her friends. She hopes to to continue her experience in the entertainment industry and ideally end up working at a record label.