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Real Live College Guy: Sherdale Joins HCQU!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Sherdale Henrickson is a Quinnipiac senior, and all around great guy. He’s been an orientation leader, is a brother of Sigma Phi Epsilon, and is an active member of the Student Government Association. All of these activities have provided him with plenty of interaction with the opposite sex, and now he’ s here to tell us collegiettes what males are really thinking!

What’s the best way to turn down a guy you’re not interested in
without hurting their feelings or making things awkward?

I think the best way is to be straight up and tell the guy that you really don’t want to ruin your friendship. A guy is still going to take things really rough but at the end of the day they’ll respect you because it still seems like you cared.  Initially, there’s no getting around the “awkward” phase but eventually, your relationship will be smoothed out.

How can guys tell if a girl’s DTF or should be taken seriously?

When a girl is DTF she is usually very clingy, very touchy-feely. She kind of “dumbs” herself down to seem vulnerable although you both know she’s not. She’ll also make sure to single you out and address you. Guys realize that a girl should be taken seriously if she’s talking about things that actually matter. Reputations are very important in this scenario because it’s hard to take someone seriously if they are known for being promiscuous.

Why don’t guys date anymore?
Guys don’t date anymore because there are a lot of options and temptations in college. Many guys don’t want to “waste” the best time of their lives, when they can meet a new girl almost every weekend. Eventually guys will settle down because they’ll get tired of dealing with insignificant relationships.

The good ol’days before Angelina.

Got a burning question you need answered? Want to get a male perspective? Leave an anonymous comment below for Sherdale, or email the HCQU Correspondents at MollyZimnoch@HerCampus.com and JohanaGutierrez@HerCampus.com! All questions will be kept confidential.

Molly is a senior print journalism major and psychology minor at Quinnipiac University. She enjoys cooking, baking, reading, and spending as much time on the beach as possible. Molly loves to travel, and recently brought home a dog, Kodiak, from Rincon, Puerto Rico in January 2011. She is an aspiring food writer for publications such as Gourmet, and Fine Cooking. In preparation for this career, Molly spent the summer of 2011 working on an organic farm, and hopes to attend the Culinary Institute of America after graduating from QU in the spring. Having been a transfer to Quinnipiac in the fall of her sophomore year, Molly knows the importance of being outgoing and friendly, and hopes to make many wonderful memories during her last year in Hamden.