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QU How To: Make Spring Break Fun without Going Away

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Spring break in Cabo or Miami sound like fun, but in reality after all the expenses and travel plans, it may not be feasible for all students.  Here are a few tips on how to have fun this spring break without leaving your hometown.

  1. Have a beach themed party- Go home and invite your friends over for a party fit for a beach.  Hit the dollar store and buy some beach balls, sand toys and festive glasses and make the dress code beach appropriate(i.e. shorts and a tank top). Even though it might not be warm enough to go outside in the backyard, parties can get hot so if your theme involves summer clothes it will help people from getting hot.  
  2. Go to the beach- Even though you can’t lay out in the sand and catch some rays, pack up your friends and go watch the sun set on the beach with a picnic of food. Check your local paper for the time of the sunset so you can plan accordingly. Even though most beaches close after the sunset, most boardwalks have events like mini golf or live music that’s fun and low cost.
  3. Read a book- Books are a great way for your mind to take a vacation from reality so pick up a new book from your local library to read while your home. Books like Water for Elephants and Beastlyare now major motion pictures, so after you finish them you can go enjoy them in the movies.
  4. Experiment with food- Try a new recipe at home and cook for your family.  Being a school and surrounded by cafe food, all you want is a home cooked meal, so go home and try out a new recipe that everyone can enjoy.
  5. Visit a Museum- Museums like the MET are a great way to spend the day and take your mind on a vacation.  Admittance is as much as you want to give and you can walk around spending the day looking a different art work and sculptures letting your mind run free.  Since you only pay what you want, the only cost to you would be a train ticket into the city plus any food you decide to buy.  It’s a great way to get out for the day at a low cost.
Leigh is a senior print journalism major and sociology minor at Quinnipiac University. She enjoys traveling, writing, photography, watching Sex and the City, going out on the town (of Hamden) and laughing with, and at her housemates. In the Summer of 2009, she interned in Los Angeles at Genlux Magazine and Red Light Public Relations. She studied in Barcelona in the Spring of 2010 where she learned the true importance of life from the Catalan people. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and was a recruitment counselor during formal sorority recruitment in February. It has been rumored that due to her consistent honesty, she has no secrets of her own. Leigh loves her university and is having the time of her life as a senior. She has only had a few minor freak-outs about her upcoming graduation to date.