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QU How To: Have An Amazing Valentine’s Day Sans A Man

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Valentine’s Day can be the most dreadful time of the year for those without a boyfriend, and for most girls, it’s where you begin to feel sorry for yourself that you don’t have one. Here are a few tips to turn Valentine’s Day into a day of happiness without having a man.

  1. Treat Yourself–  Since Valentine’s Day falls on a Monday, after classes, treat yourself to something you really have wanted, like a mani-pedi or a dinner with your girlfriends.  Since friends who have boyfriends will be getting gifts, get yourself something too to remind yourself that you’re a strong independent woman who doesn’t need to rely on a man. Or, have a gift swap with the girls.
  2. Call your loved ones– Valentine’s Day is a time to express love, so show some!  Call your mom, sister, grandparents, or any relative and just tell them how much you love them. You could even get the mailing addresses of your best friends from home and send them cards with a note inside listing all the things you love about each other. Haven’t you been wanting to reconnect with them recently?
  3. Eat Chocolate– Just because you don’t have a boyfriend to buy you a heart-shaped box of chocolates doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in some yummy desserts.  Buy some chocolate for you and your friends and have a taste testing party where you each try a piece and guess their flavor (most chocolate boxes have the kinds of chocolate on the inside top of the box).
  4. Love Yourself– With love in the air, why not love yourself! Wake up on Monday, do your hair and make up, put on an amazing outfit for classes and walk to class illumnating the love you have for yourself! By treating yourself to a day of glamour you’ll see how amazing it is to feel confident.
  5. Don’t Loath in Self Pity– A boyfriend isn’t everything. Here at Quinnipiac, we are young, beautiful (inside and out) women and these are the best days of your lives, so don’t feel sorry for yourself if you don’t have a man. Instead, walk with your head held high knowing that you’re beautiful with or without a man. That doesn’t change you… and remember it’s only a day.
Leigh is a senior print journalism major and sociology minor at Quinnipiac University. She enjoys traveling, writing, photography, watching Sex and the City, going out on the town (of Hamden) and laughing with, and at her housemates. In the Summer of 2009, she interned in Los Angeles at Genlux Magazine and Red Light Public Relations. She studied in Barcelona in the Spring of 2010 where she learned the true importance of life from the Catalan people. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and was a recruitment counselor during formal sorority recruitment in February. It has been rumored that due to her consistent honesty, she has no secrets of her own. Leigh loves her university and is having the time of her life as a senior. She has only had a few minor freak-outs about her upcoming graduation to date.