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Phil Nobile

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Name: Phil Nobile

Age: 21

Major: Journalism

Hometown: White Plains, NY

Relationship Status: Single

Campus Involvements: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Lambda Pi Eta, former Quinnipiac Chronicle Editor

Three Words to Describe You: Debonair, Delightful, Dubstep

Hidden Talents: I can bake a mean quiche.

Celebrity Crush: Jennifer Lawrence

Dream Date: Anything she wants to do, as long as it’s with her.

What You Look For In A Girl: I like a girl who acknowledges my existence. And has a sense of humor.

Turn Offs In A Girl: Lack of convictions and belief in one’s self.

Advice for QU Ladies: Don’t change for anybody. If you have to change any part of yourself for him, it’s not worth it. Also brush twice a day.