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How to Survive (and Even Enjoy!) The Last Weeks of the Semester!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

After a week off filled with so much food that I’m going to need to sign up for spin classes days in advance, we Bobcats find ourselves back at school for three more weeks.  It sounds easy enough – but that’s far from the case.  These next three weeks – also known as ‘The Home-Stretch,’ are filled with papers, presentations, tests, and, of course, the dreaded Finals Week.  With all that work that we didn’t do over Thanksgiving break (#QuinnipiacProblems), it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.  How are we going to make it to winter break without having a panic attack first?  Well, as we all know, us Collegietteshave a way of getting everything done – with some style and fun!

So, how can we get through the next three weeks without agonizing over our metaphorical bed in Arnold Bernhard?
1.     Outline What Needs to Get Done and When You’ll Do it, and Stick to Your Plan!
            After unpacking all the food that’s way too much for the next three weeks (but your mom forced you to take), sit down and make a list of what you need to do before the semester is over.  Next, organize that list.  Write it out in the order which everything is due, and figure out when you will work on each assignment.  I know what you’re thinking – easier said than done.  I myself have made countless study plans-of-action that, after some Facebook procrastinating and one-too-many trips to get a snack, flew out the window.  This time,to guarantee you stick to your plan, add in some rewards for yourself after finishing each task on your list.  Go get your snack afterthe assignment is done.  Give yourself half an hour to watch your favorite show after the next.
2.  Don’t Forget About Finals
            With all of the end-of-semester papers and presentations we have, it’s hard to remember that we still have final exams.  Leaving all that studying to the end could produce dire consequences, not to mention way too many late-nights in ABL—are they ever going to put that coffee machine in there?!  Set aside a period of time each day to study a bit for your exams.  Luckily, these papers can sometimes take the place of an actual exam during finals week.  That’s not the case for all of us, however.  Don’t leave your studying until the night before your exam.  Finals are usually worth just as much, if not more, as those assignments that are due within the next two weeks.  We can’t forget that there is one more week after classes end, and an important one at that.
3.  Have Some Fun!
            These last three weeks are about more than schoolwork and stress.  They’re also the last of the semester!  For those going home to their parents’ watchful eyes and rules that are…different…than what we’re used to at school, these are the last weekends before five weeks of life at home.  Others are lucky enough to be able to go back to their summer jobs for the month of winter break, so don’t forget to have some fun before we all go home and leave our Quinnipiac friends for what will seem like way too long.  With the holiday season approaching, there are plenty of opportunities for themed parties – go to Goodwill and find an ugly sweater for a party devoted to those strange – but oddly hilarious – creations.  And don’t forget making it to Toads Place one last time, of course.  There are also hockey games on the weekends, along with Open Skate at TD Bank and events by SPB and QUAD.

4.  Take Care of Yourself, Too
            Just because it seems like there’s not even enough time in a day to get all of your schoolwork done, doesn’t mean that we can drop everything else in our lives.  Bring your schoolwork to the gym – or don’t – but go to the gym!  Exercising can help to relieve stress, and as Elle Woods proclaims in Legally Blonde,“Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy!”  Take the time to walk to the caf from the library for meals—you’ll need the fuel to power through those study sessions.  However, don’t use your stress as an excuse to eat poorly,as tempting as that MooBella machine is.
5.  Remember—You Can Do It
            As cheesy as that sounds, us Bobcats need to remember that the end of the semester may be a hurdle, but it’s not an impossible one.  It’s easy to look at that list of things to do and feel like giving up, but we’re never given (too much) more than we can handle.  And just think – when you’re done, you have a whole month of no work!!!

Molly is a senior print journalism major and psychology minor at Quinnipiac University. She enjoys cooking, baking, reading, and spending as much time on the beach as possible. Molly loves to travel, and recently brought home a dog, Kodiak, from Rincon, Puerto Rico in January 2011. She is an aspiring food writer for publications such as Gourmet, and Fine Cooking. In preparation for this career, Molly spent the summer of 2011 working on an organic farm, and hopes to attend the Culinary Institute of America after graduating from QU in the spring. Having been a transfer to Quinnipiac in the fall of her sophomore year, Molly knows the importance of being outgoing and friendly, and hopes to make many wonderful memories during her last year in Hamden.