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How to Stop Procrastinating (With Disney GIFs!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Spring Break is nearly upon us. But until then, there’s much work to be done. Yet…you still want to procrastinate and stay in bed?! Here’s how to overcome the seemingly impossible task of getting everything done before a glorious week of rest:

Think about Li-Shang yelling in your face.

Better yet, get inspired by Tiana’s inspiration for getting things done.

….okay, getting things done AFTER getting turned into a frog.  Gotta take study breaks, you know!

When you’re done, catch Charlotte’s contagious enthusiasm.

When you don’t feel like getting out of bed, remember Sleeping Beauty. She didn’t get things done while sleeping. (Except somehow attract Prince Charming, but let’s not think about that right now).

So get up!

And get up quick before…well…no one wants an angry horse in their face.

Don’t worry, only a few days until we’re free.

And when’s it’s over…you can relax for an entire weekl!

What makes you stop procrastinating?  Tell us by tweeting @hercampusqu!

And of course, good luck on mid terms, Collegiettes!

Print Journalism major with a passion for fitness, health, life, and the simple things. If you want to read more of work, check out my blog: http://naturallymel.wordpress.com/