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How to Procrastinate and do it Well

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


As a college student I am extremely busy and always have something going on, but there are days where I just don’t want to do anything. At this point I think I’ve learned how to procrastinate like a pro. It is one thing if you procrastinate by doing nothing, but here are some ways to procrastinate to make yourself look busy!

1.  Catch up on your Social Media- Go through your old pictures on Facebook clean up and get rid of anything embarrassing. Is your Twitter feed getting boring? This a great time to find some new twitter accounts to follow. I love finding new parody accounts that can keep me occupied and laughing for hours, I mean who didn’t enjoy the Hurricane Sandy Tweets all last week?

2. Catch up on all your Favorite TV Shows- Are you behind on the latest episode of Revenge? Or feel like watching old episodes of One Tree Hill? This is the perfect way to procrastinate since one episode always turns into ten.

3. Do your Laundry – We all know doing laundry in college is not one of our favorite things, especially since it takes forever, but what’s a better excuse not to do your homework. You can’t possibly start new homework knowing you will have to go over and switch your laundry over in 30 minutes.

4. Clean Your Room- I find that when I am avoiding doing something I start to clean and re-organize my room.  Not only is a great way to waste time, but it is also productive. After when my room looks sparkling and everything is in place I feel efficient and organized.

5. Make a To-Do-List-. Is there anything more satisfying then checking off things off a to-do-list? I love putting things on the list just to check them off no matter how irrelevant it is. Just writing the list makes me feel accomplished even if I don’t get to actually doing everything. Make a to-do-list Check!