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How to Land the Perfect Internship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Internships offer something unique that a college education doesn’t; Experience. Internships allow for students to get real, hands-on, quality experience in the field of their choice, but more importantly, it brings students one step closer to landing their dream job. Because of this, internship positions are highly competitive among college students. So, here is how YOU can stand out among your fellow competitors and get the perfect internship.
Resumes are very important. On one piece of paper, you have to persuade your potential boss why you are the best fit for the position. However, resumes are meant to be very professional, they should not be conversational in any way. They are formal and scholarly. When describing a class you took do not say, “it was such a fun class and I actually learned something from it.” Also, make sure to list everything that you’ve ever been apart of – even things from high school. Anything that will set you apart from the rest of the applicants is worth putting down. Lastly, ALWAYS have somebody (professor, dean, advisor) look over your resume before sending it in with your application. They are more than willing to help you during this process and may offer some very insightful advice.
When creating a cover letter, make sure that it is unique to each company or organization that you apply to. Express why you want to be apart of the team and share any personal experience about how you relate or why you would be a great match. Again, make sure it is proofread!!

Whether it’s simply following up after applying, or going in for an interview, you must always, ALWAYS be professional. If you get offered an interview, there are a few things that you must be prepared for. Before going into an interview, make sure that you have done your research on the place you are interviewing at. People hiring want to know that you are interested in the position that they are offering; if it seems like you don’t know or don’t care about who they are and what they do, you will definitely not get the job. 
Dress to the nines. We aren’t going to Toad’s ladies, so make sure your shoulders, stomach and knees are covered, and if you choose to wear heals, make sure they are no taller than 2 ½ inches. During the interview, have good posture, speak clearly and make eye contact. Engaging with who you are talking to shows your interest and commitment. Also, don’t forget to smile! They want to see that you are excited about this process.
Be prepared. Most places that are hiring will ask you questions and expect questions in return. Go over a list of questions with someone at career services, they will be able t
o offer appropriate and inappropriate answer. One key thing to remember is ALWAYS ask questions. This shows that you want to learn. If you don’t ask questions then it can only be assumed that you are uninterested.
Be consistent. There’s a fine line to being consistent and being annoying. After an interview, make sure to send whom ever you spoke with a thank you e-mail thanking them for their time. If they respond telling you that they will let you know their decision by a specific date, and don’t, you are allowed to e-mail them and ask to check up on your status. However, DO NOT send repetitive e-mails every week. There are working and busy people, and if you annoy them they will not hesitate to re-evaluate whether or not they want you as apart of their team.
Applying to internships is a lot like applying to college; you may not want that specific internship or go to that specific college, but you apply anyway, to make sure that you have options. It isn’t advised to attend a college or university that you aren’t in love with, but when it comes to internships, DO NOT turn one down just because it isn’t at the company or organization of your choice. Internships are all about experience, so it is important to take any position that you are offered. If it ends up being a horrible experience, then you might want to re-evaluate your major or your specialization. If it is a very rewarding experience, congratulations! You are on your way to having a successful career doing something that you love! Whether good or bad, you WILL learn something useful, and your resume will be stronger.
  Johana Gutierrez is a Public Relations student at Quinnipiac University with a minor in International Business. She comes from a city life area in the Southern part of Connecticut.At Quinnipiac, she is the Alumni Relations Director for the International Business Society and member of PRSSA. This past summer, Johana interned at Live Nation Entertainment in NYC. In her free time, Johana enjoys going to concerts, listening to music and being in the company of her friends. She hopes to to continue her experience in the entertainment industry and ideally end up working at a record label.