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Have a Laugh with Jack Lamson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Q30 News Anchor and Life of the Party, Jack Lamson
Could he be the next Conan?

We think so.

When did you first get involved in Q30?
I got involved in Q30 my Freshman year. I was a cameraman on The Morning After. One day, I was dragged onto the set during a broadcast by our crazy weatherman, and if you know Matt Galo you know that he really was insane. Our producer came in and decided to give me a segment right then and there. For the rest of the year I did Dating with Jack The Cameraman, which was a joke, and then I started hosting in the fall of my sophomore year.

What has been your favorite project with the network?
My favorite project has been TMA, making it my own, creating new segments and being able to really control the way the show comes together.

What shows are you doing right now?
I’m still hosting TMA and will continue to do so for at least a few more episodes in the spring. I’m also an anchor for the Q30 Night Cast. That’s a very different atmosphere than TMA. It has a script, and the kind of structure you’d expect from a news cast.

What is your dream job?
My dream job would be to do an interview-style news show like 60 minutes or Good Morning America, though I’m not a morning person. I love just sitting down with someone and having a casual conversation. Everyone has a story…something that people don’t know about them. In a perfect world, I’d like to be the next Conan O’Brien. I’ve got the hair. Realistically, I’d love to do local news in Maine or Vermont. I live in flannel and business suits and that’s the way I’d like to stay.

Any prospects for after you graduate?
After college, I’ll probably be moving to middle-of-nowhere South Dakota and reporting on UFO’s and Farmer Bill’s stolen cows for a few years. I’ve got to start in a small market and get my feet wet, learn the industry and even make some mistakes. After that I can make my way back to the east coast and climb the ladder back into the real world.

What is your favorite thing about QU?
MY favorite things about QU are the facilities and the people. The school of communications has some awesome facilities and has provided me with the kind of experience I would have needed to wait years for at a place like Syracuse. At the same time, I think some money could be better spent. Put that $2,000 that you spent on a Hydration Station (basically a vertical water fountain) towards a new Mac for the editing labs.

Have you always been this funny? Seriously, though.
I don’t even think I’m that funny. That being said, one of my best memories at QU was when I did stand-up comedy for the Greek God and Goddess competition and that just came from confidence. I’m not afraid to do something that might make me look stupid, like wear a toga to a bar. [It’s true, we have proof.] I think of myself as a confident person who simply tells stories. It’s my friends and the stories I tell that are funny.

Check Jack out on Q30’s The Morning After at 3:30 a.m. or p.m. or giving you the latest news at 8a.m. or p.m.

Leigh is a senior print journalism major and sociology minor at Quinnipiac University. She enjoys traveling, writing, photography, watching Sex and the City, going out on the town (of Hamden) and laughing with, and at her housemates. In the Summer of 2009, she interned in Los Angeles at Genlux Magazine and Red Light Public Relations. She studied in Barcelona in the Spring of 2010 where she learned the true importance of life from the Catalan people. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega and was a recruitment counselor during formal sorority recruitment in February. It has been rumored that due to her consistent honesty, she has no secrets of her own. Leigh loves her university and is having the time of her life as a senior. She has only had a few minor freak-outs about her upcoming graduation to date.