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Gerry D’Apollo ’12

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Here ladies is this weeks Campus Cutie!  He’s one of the nicest, funniest and sweetest boys on this campus.  Get to know him!
Name: Gerry D’Apollo                                                                                                           
Age: 21                                                                                                           
Hometown: Hampstead, NH
Relationship Status: Single
Major/Minor: Film Production major, psychology minor
Hobbies: My hobbies include playing music (guitar and bass), reading, comics and records (those big wax CDs).
What do you do for fun:  For fun, I love just sitting around playing guitar, but I have a big passion for film, so most of my time is dedicated to that.
Guilty Pleasure: My guilty pleasure I guess would be yoga. I’m not really guilty about it, but I assume other people would be.
What you will miss after QU: After QU, I’m going to miss a lot of friends here. I put friends and family before my own well- being, and not having them around every day is going to wreck me.
What you wish girls understood: I wish girls understood how to treat genuinely, nice guys.
Celebrity Crush: Aubrey Plaza, hands down.
Turn on: A girl’s smile, the first thing I absolutely notice.
Turn off: Girls who aim to get drunk every chance they get (the” biddies,” if you will)
Advice to single ladies reading this: Nice guys really do exist. Don’t waste that if you find one.
If you could change anything in the past 4 years would you? If so, why and what?
There are obviously some things I’d love to change but without the good AND the bad, I wouldn’t be who I am today. And personally, I’m pretty comfortable with who I am.

  Johana Gutierrez is a Public Relations student at Quinnipiac University with a minor in International Business. She comes from a city life area in the Southern part of Connecticut.At Quinnipiac, she is the Alumni Relations Director for the International Business Society and member of PRSSA. This past summer, Johana interned at Live Nation Entertainment in NYC. In her free time, Johana enjoys going to concerts, listening to music and being in the company of her friends. She hopes to to continue her experience in the entertainment industry and ideally end up working at a record label.
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Tia Meyers


Tia is a senior public relations and marketing major at Quinnipiac University. She enjoys singing, kayaking, cooking, travelling, and dance. She is an only child and it has made her a very outgoing young woman. Tia’s motto is “you can’t be old and wise if you’re never young and crazy” and believes that you should be a person to look up to, always be true to yourself and to try anything and everything you can. Tia loves to watch tv and read, her favorite show is New Girl and her favorite book is “Girl With The Dragon Tattoo”. Tia is addicted to Dunkin Donuts coffee, rings, peanut butter and the beach.