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Elizabeth Walker and Disney World’s College Program

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


Our Campus Celebrity this week is Elizabeth Walker. She is a Political Science major with a minor in Legal Studies from Cheshire, CT. Next fall semester, Elizabeth will be a part of Disney World’s College Program.

The overview explaining the program on their site states: “As a part of the Disney College Program, participants have the incredible opportunity to advance their strengths and interests, meet guests and cast members from around the country and take part in educational opportunities students can’t get anywhere else. This truly unique program allows participants to network with leaders, take part in personal and career development classes, and build transferable skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, guest service and effective communication.”

Could you tell us a little bit of what you will be doing in the College Program in Disney World?

“I’m heading down and starting August 19th and will continue until January 3rd. I’ve been offered a working position as a merchandise associate and at the same time will be taking three classes to fill UC Electives at QU for when I come home. Though the classes are optional, I don’t want to fall behind with my schoolwork. While I’m not sure the exact location, I love Disney so much I’m not sure I’d care! I’ve been working for the Disney Store in West Hartford for nearly a year now so moving down to the park is going to be even more exciting! I’m hoping to make a lot of new friends while I’m there, and I’m sure I will as it is a global program which has students attending from all around the world.”

What a great opportunity! Sounds like the perfect fit for Elizabeth! If you are interested in this program just like Elizabeth check out http://cp.disneycareers.com/en/default/





