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College Girls Run on Dunkin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

If it’s a Monday morning, or any morning for that matter, you can’t scroll through your twitter feed or look at Instagram without seeing a mupload or a tweet about dunks. It is so extreme to some girls that they announce “I will die if I don’t get it.”

Now let’s be serious, there is very one good reason why most college girls would rather swing by Dunks in the morning or a late study sesh then wait in line at beautifully decorated and aromatic Starbucks: IT’S CHEAPER.  A pumpkin spice anything at Starbucks will run you at least 5 dollars where at Dunkin Donuts; you can get kind-of the same thing for literally half the price. While we all like to pretend that it’s so easy for us to just stop every morning and get an 8 dollar breakfast (a latte and a croissant from Starbucks) – it’s not.  And let’s be honest, when you only got 4 hours of sleep and you’re miserable, you’re chugging that coffee anyways no matter where it’s from.

Another reason why Dunkin is so popular – DONUTS. Ever having a bad day and need a pick me up? There have been many times where I go into Dunkin just thinking I’m ordering an iced coffee when I see a glazed donut or red velvet munchkins and they start calling my name. Of course I’m not condoning eating a donut everyday but every once in a while, it is nice to treat yourself; and to be real it feels a lot nicer when it’s 99 cents instead of $3.99.