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College Girls’ Guide: Setting Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


Sometimes it seems that especially as a senior, I have been setting lots of goals for myself. Get a 4.0 GPA. Get a job for after graduation. Get in shape. Read at least 5 books for fun. The list goes on and on.

I have a feeling, though, that I am not alone. Since college is a time of learning and growing, many of us have the same mindset: do well and accomplish a lot.

Reaching goals is not ever as easy as setting them, however. So many times I feel as if by the end of the semester, my goals have eluded me, and I am often times right back where I started. It’s kind of like when you make a long list of new years resolutions, only the next New Year’s Eve to discover that you did not, in fact, reach any of them.

Perhaps its the way in which we set our goals that partially determines our success or failure, though. Planning them out the correct way can have a big impact on whether or not these goals are actually fulfilled.

In order to reach the goals that have us so determined, here are five simple tips of how to actually set them:

1.  Be realistic: so often my goals have been completely unrealistic. Instead of aiming to, “Lose 25 pounds by Christmas,” make goals more tangible, writing something like, “Go to the gym at least three times a week.” Being unrealistic in goal writing does nothing but set us up for failure, in the end disappointing ourselves.

2.  Make yourself aware of your goals everyday: Reminding yourself of your goals is a great way to keep on track. I have put little fitness inspiration quotes, or daily reminders of my goal to stay fit on my wall to push me to do the best I can to meet my goal each day. And, guess what? It actually works.

3.  Make them meaningful: setting goals that mean nothing to you and that you’re not passionate about will almost never be fulfilled. Don’t write goals that you want during a fleeting moment, but rather something you want with your whole heart and you know that your desire for it will not change.

4.  Work hard: almost nothing in this world comes without hard work, that’s just the plain truth.

5.  Don’t get discouraged: Always remember that nobody is perfect. Everyone has days where they simply do not have the time, energy, or motivation to work towards his or her goals, and that’s okay! One bad day should never stop you from waking up the next morning and trying again.

Fulfilling goals is never easy, but it’s always rewarding. Remember these five tips when setting your goals and it will make it all the more easier to actually reach them.