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College Girl’s Guide: Beat the Winter Blues in 5 Easy Steps

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

I feel like lately it’s cold as ever and there is still so much snow on the ground. The cold and winter time in general definitely makes me wish for summer and warmer weather.

But, there are ways to beat those winter blues! Here are the best ways I’ve found so far:

1.Love naps – I’m not the biggest napper, and try to avoid them because I’d rather spend the time getting stuff done and being productive. But when it’s so cold it’s so nice to climb into bed for a nap when you can. It is a great way to actually take advantage of the cold weather and enjoy at least one thing about the winter!

2.Have cozy time – since it’s so cold outside, during the winter you need to make the most of your time inside. Do this by having a movie marathon on the warm, cozy couch in front of the fire, do crafts, read a good book, or play board games. Doing fun things inside can help you forget how yucky it is outside.



3. Create a countdown – create a fun countdown until summer, vacation, or something exciting in order to make the cold more bearable and give yourself something to look forward to!

4.Make a tropical drink – there are millions of Pinterest recipes out there, so why not try one out? Making and drinking one will be fun and will take you away to a tropical place where the palm trees are blowing, at least for a few minutes! Check out this site for tons of fun recipes.

5.Do some summer shopping – stores are starting to put out all their spring and summer products, so why not forget winter for a little bit at the mall? Buy some shorts, sun dresses, beach bags, and sandals and gear up for warmer weather!

What are your favorite ways to beat the winter blues? What are your favorite things about winter that we can actually enjoy?