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Campus Cutie: Fahoum Fahoum

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.



Name: Fahoum Fahoum


Age: 22


Major: Public Relations


Hometown: Hafa, Israel


Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, English


Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle


Celebrity Crush:


Hobbies: Dancing, Watching Movies


Three words that best describe you: Happy, Energetic, and Optimistic


Describe your ideal girl: Smart, strong, mature funny and a romantic. She has to be able to make me laugh and has to know how to dance.


Your go to Pickup line: “Hi, I’m Fahoum”


So you’re at the bar and you see the girl of dreams, how do you get her attention? On the dance floor


Most embarrassing moment at QU: Ummm, I put those to the back of my mind so I don’t have to recall them.


Ideal date: The beach


Your opinion of the dating scene at QU? It’s bad, there is no dating scene at Quinnipiac. We know the culture of Quinnipiac and it is not about romance.


Describe your three best physical traits: Eyes, lips, and butt


Favorite genre of music: House EDM but depends on my mood.


Top three things on your bucket list: Travel the world, Skydive, Create peace…but in all reality he said be a billionaire first.


Do you have a favorite quote: “Through courage, persistence and faith I inspire myself and others to take on barriers no matter how big they are, so that when we look back we’ll know we’ve done our best to experience who we really are.”


Favorite sport at QU: Tennis


Fun Facts? I live on the original Mount Carmel back home, that this campus is named after.


If you could have any super power, what would it be? To fly


Biggest turn off? Smoking and girls that are really cheap, that’s just not classy.


Favorite food? Lasagna


What meal would you cook for a girl? Spaghetti Bolognese and Crembule for dessert. I make a pretty good crembule.


Number one thing that you are looking forward to this year: Winning the championship for tennis


Sweetest thing you have done for a girl: Back home it’s a tradition to surprise a girl with a date. We blindfold her and then drive her to a surprise location for dinner.


Favorite dance team on Campus: DANCE FUSION


This or That????


Blondes, Brunettes, or Red Heads? Depends


Corner Deli or Ray and Mikes? Ray and Mikes


BAR or Toads? BAR


Dicks or Aunchies? Dicks


Café Q or Ratt?   Café Q


Venus or Serena? Serena


Sperry’s or Toms? Sperry’s


Yoga pants or Jeans? Yoga Pants


If you could chose next weeks campus cutie, who would it be?  Simon Hinde