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6 Ways to Become the Best Flirt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.


College is a time to be single and have fun.  You should take this opportunity to meet new guys and step out of your comfort zone.  For the couples that have found lasting relationships in college – good for you! For the rest of the single ladies, here are some tips on how to be a good flirt.

 1. Smile – A girl’s best accessory is always her smile.  Whenever you go out, keep a positive attitude and be optimistic.  A guy is always interested in someone who looks like they are having a good time.

 2 .Eye Contact – When your talking to a guy, make sure you maintain good eye contact.  This will show him that your interested in what he is saying.  Also, if you see a cute guy at a bar or club, give him a glance! Don’t stare, but glance long enough to gain his attention.

 3. Initiate a Conversation – If a guy approaches you, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation.  Guys get nervous, and they like when girls make an effort, too.

4. Good Body Language – If you are genuinely interested in someone, make sure your body language conveys that.  Don’t have your arms crossed and don’t slouch.  You can even throw in a playful nudge to initiate physical contact.

 5. Keep Your Interactions Short – Maybe you don’t give him your name or number the first time you meet him.  Some girls like to keep it a mystery, so it gives them something to look forward to next time.  Other girls like to have his number and start “talking” right after they meet.  It doesn’t matter which approach you take, but remember not to be overbearing.  Don’t text or call him constantly.  After the interest is sparked, the contact between you both should be mutual!

 6. Don’t Take It Too Seriously – Remember that flirting is supposed to be fun. Don’t think about what could happen in the future, but rather live in the moment.  Not all of your efforts will be successful, but it’s always worth a shot!