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5 Ways to Fake Confidence

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Ever heard the line “fake it until you own it”? If not, let the phrase become a close friend of yours. Whether you’re walking into an interview or attending a party where you don’t know anyone, confidence is an important trait to have – even if you’re just bluffing at first.

I was always the most self-conscious person out of my friends. I always felt invisible in the group, and it was bugging me. After coming across some articles online, I found some pretty useful tips that helped me break out of my shell.

1) Look ‘Em in the Eye: This was always the hardest thing for me to do. However, I realized that people wouldn’t fully acknowledge me until I did them the honor. Make sure to look someone in the eye when they’re talking to you. It’s fine to avert your eyes once in a while, but not too much. You don’t want them thinking there’s something wrong with their face!

2) Shoulders Back: Wish you were taller? You’re probably shrinking yourself by an inch. Push your shoulders back and your posture will get better. People will wonder who the girl walking confidently across campus is.

3) Headphones to the Rescue: The time spent walking across campus to class can be pretty boring. And if you’re like me, you may tend to look a little lost and idle. With your headphones in, you’re happily walking to your tunes. And that happiness will emit—you’ll look and feel confident. (Especially if you’re bumping to Beyoncé!)

4) Smile: A real confidence booster is to smile at strangers. I’m not talking the creepy stalker smile, like the guy below, but a genuine smile. What’s even better is when they return the gesture. And if it’s a cute guy (look out for our Campus Cuties as a built-in guide!), go ahead and give a big smile!

(Let me reiterate: Don’t smile like the guy above unless you want to look plain old creepy)

5) Akimbo!: No, it’s not a dance—it’s a pose. Give it a try: Stand with your legs shoulder with apart, put your hands on both sides of your hips (and make sure your elbows are pointed outwards). Do you feel like Superwoman yet?

Now if only I could fake dancing like a pro…

(Not quite there yet.)

Until next time, Collegiettes!

Print Journalism major with a passion for fitness, health, life, and the simple things. If you want to read more of work, check out my blog: http://naturallymel.wordpress.com/