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5 Travel Tips for Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Quinnipiac chapter.

Spring break is almost here and everyone is gearing up for their week-long getaway! Whether you are traveling to Europe or a Caribbean island, there are some things you should know in order to have a safe, fun and relaxing trip. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind while you’re relaxing poolside with a drink in hand.

1. Carry small amounts of cash. Don’t carry all of your cash and credit cards on you when you go out. Bring small amounts of money and leave the rest in your hotel room safe or somewhere hidden in your luggage. You don’t want a thief to ruin your vacation!

2. Travel in groups. Never venture out alone, especially when drinking. Whether you are going to the bathroom or back to your hotel room, make sure you always have someone to accompany you.

3. Stay hydrated. Yes, this is an obvious one, but it is absolutely essential. If you are in a tropical location and are drinking alcoholic beverages all day in the sun, make sure to balance it out with water. For every alcoholic drink you have, drink a glass of water as well. No one wants to pass out because of dehydration and ruin the trip of a lifetime!

4. Go with the flow. So maybe your plans don’t work out exactly how you wanted them to; don’t get upset! It’s never fun to travel with a Debbie Downer, so put on a smile and enjoy yourself. The alternative plans may just end up being better than what you orginally expected!

5. Stay off your phone. Put down the phone! You do not need to be uploading pictures to Facebook, Instagramming, or Tweeting all day. Take pictures and look at them later – enjoy the beauty around you while you have it, because soon you’ll be leaving and wondering where the time went. Live in the moment!

Wherever you are planning on going for spring break, keep this advice in mind so you will have a stress-free vacation. Have fun

Keep us updated over break, Collegiettes! Tweet your favorite Spring Break photos to @hercampusqu!


I am a student at Quinnipiac University and an aspiring magazine writer/editor.