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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

“You have a beautiful smile,” “I love your shoes,” “You make me feel so seen”. I have been lucky enough to receive these words of admiration. Kindnesses from strangers and friends. I still remember the individual faces of the generous people who expressed these heartfelt truths to me, as every compliment I receive, I hold with meaning. I do not share these words of praise to gloat, but rather to inspire, as I too have given these kind regards to friends, family, and strangers.

The power of compliment-giving is abundant. Despite its simplicity, its effect is immeasurable. It holds the potential to energize others through kindness, to radically improve someone’s day, and to motivate others to choose joy. I believe that through sharing compliments with others, one can lead a happier, more positive life.

You may be wondering, what really is a compliment? As kind words are given so much power, I believe it’s important to properly break down what a compliment truly is, and by the same token, what a compliment truly means. In my opinion, a compliment is an outward act of self-love. Kindnesses and well wishes projected onto others, reflected through our willingness to share. I know it may sound counter-intuitive, but more often than not, we internally notice things we like or admire about others. The key distinction is one’s choice to express said appreciation. To say or not to say, that is the question. Nevertheless, taking action in this compliment-giving campaign is the tricky part, as we often admire from a distance. Cursed with the fear of receiving judgement, most compliments go unsaid, unheard and become lost. Yet, I believe an initial leap of faith is required to give a compliment. Sometimes, it may be easier, meaning that leap of faith is less noticeable. This may come organically to you if you’re praising a friend for a cute outfit, or a family member for their cooking. But, challenges may arise when noticing a stranger’s cool hat or enjoying a restaurant’s delicious dish that you so quickly devoured.

Naturally things are more daunting when you’re complimenting a complete stranger. But take it from me—it’s totally worth it. Taking that step and seizing that moment of courage makes all the difference. That leap of faith separates spoken compliments from those left unsaid. Next time you find yourself on the fence about sharing a compliment with a passerby, I embolden you to be courageous. Although, I want to stress the importance of safety and being cautious while you approach and interact with new individuals. Safety aside, having something nice to say creates an opportunity for goodness to bloom and greatness to shine. Transforming those hidden thoughts into words said aloud can have a transformative effect on both you and the other person involved.

On a more personal note, this summer I made it my mission to hand out three compliments a day. I wanted to ensure that these compliments were rooted in truth and authenticity, as opposed to a personal quota to be met. So, I spent my hour-long commute striving to observe my surroundings and notice the beauty around me that would typically go unnoticed. Luckily for me, my commute involved the subway, i.e. a natural breeding ground for compliment-giving. For only a brief moment in time, so many strangers crossing paths, so many compliments to be said, smiles to be seen.

I’ll always remember one specific compliment I shared on my commute to work. One morning at around 7am, an elderly woman was wearing a gorgeous bright pink dress. It contrasted so beautifully against her short white hair. As I sat on the subway, I noticed the old woman was about to get off at the next stop. My intuition urged me to say something, to voice my admiration. Before the train came to a stop, I looked at the old woman and smiled, and softly shared that I thought her dress was beautiful. Her eyes met mine as she thanked me, revealing a warm, aged smile. Moments later, I watched as the woman in her beautiful bright pink dress floated off the subway. As the train took off, I noticed that her smile remained—still warm—as she walked up and out of the station. For the rest of the day, I caught myself wondering if she was still smiling. 

I truly believe in our innate ability to speak from the heart, capable of contributing to our collective sense of joy. There is an undeniable meaning to sharing compliments with other individuals. A magnetic force for good and positivity, remaining with us through time and space as we continue to exchange these kindnesses amongst each other. Sharing kind words with other individuals amplifies the good in our world. The power of kindness and spreading honest praise and admiration is unequivocally meaningful. I truly believe it is one of the most simple, yet powerful things we can do for others. I encourage you all to dance in the face of the discomfort and embrace the treasures of compliment giving.

Let this be your daily purpose: spread joy. The world is always in need of a little magic and more smiles. After all, you never know what it may inspire. I, for one, appreciate all my readers, and think you all are pretty incredible.

Natalie is a fourth year student in the Life Sciences Program. She is originally from Toronto, Ontario, and recently studied in Utrecht in the Netherlands.