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The Chosen, and Why You Should Watch It

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Warning! Spoilers ahead.

As someone who believes in God but wasn’t fully aware of the details of Jesus’ life, The Chosen was a great way for me to dive into all the famous stories about Jesus, told from the eyes of his disciples and in a contemporary manner.

While it was created to follow the Testament and is biblically accurate, you don’t need to know anything about Jesus or even be religious in order to follow the show. The Chosen allowed for artistic input and each episode fills in the gaps left in the Bible while still staying true to the Scriptures.

In my personal opinion, The Chosen is an incredibly relaxing show. While it does fall under the genre of a “historical drama”, there is only verbal drama/disagreement between the characters, no action or blood or anything of that sort.

It’s Raw, Giving the Story Life

The Chosen, as mentioned above, fills in the gaps of the Bible.

For some, the Bible can be difficult to read because it is hard to bring Scripture to life. The Chosen does a fantastic job of using cinematography techniques that are aesthetically pleasing to watch and assist the narrative so that viewers can easily discern the mood and emotions of any sequence.

It’s PG

The creators of the show did a great job of keeping this multi-season series PG and family-friendly. The plot alone is compelling without the involvement of gore or anything scary despite the fact that the Bible features instances of violence and possession.

Not Only Is It ComPelling, BUt It’s Intimate

According to the Bible, Jesus walked on Earth as a living, breathing, and working man. He chose to live alongside sinners, because in his eyes, “it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick”.

The reason I say that this show is intimate is because you get to see the lives of the disciples, and Jesus, up close. Viewers get to see Jesus praying in the mornings and evenings, crafting, and celebrating. Viewers also get to see Jesus’ interactions with his disciples, as well as an in-depth view of how and why he chose each of them.

Through each encounter with those who need love and light in their life, the directors did a superb job of showcasing how Jesus would approach them and illustrating his power for warmth and generosity.

Oftentimes, I feel that the scripture is taken far out of context, and over time, the portrayal of Jesus has morphed into being someone who is “above” others because he is the son of God. This is, in fact, contrary to the truth, and The Chosen illustrates this well: Jesus is the one to whom we can relate, and he cares about the outcasts of society. It seems to me that these portrayals forget that Jesus walked as a man, meaning he was just like us: he cried, he ate food, he prepared meals, he felt conflicting emotions, he felt temptation and encountered sin, and interacted with those around him.

It’s Funny!

To most, the Bible may seem boring, and it’s easy to think this when reading scripture.

However, the actors in The Chosen did a great job of bringing scripture to life, which can be a difficult task.

While today’s day and age may sometimes favor the stylings of dark humor, this show is funny in the most light-hearted and gentle manner. Through The Chosen, viewers get to witness how much Jesus actually enjoyed life! From enjoying weddings to dancing through the night, Jesus is portrayed as having been a very fun person to be around.

It Teaches History

Yes, this show manages to teach history in an engaging, fun manner!

The Bible on its own is a piece of history. The Chosen, while portraying the story of the Bible, simultaneously teaches viewers about the political and religious conflict taking place during Jesus’ time on earth. Viewers are able to see what religious leaders knew of the coming of the Messiah, what citizens thought of this, and what the Romans thought of these events.

The Cast.

For starters, each actor was brilliantly selected and portrayed their designated characters with such grace. I personally feel that everyone fits perfectly into their roles, from the Pharisees to the disciples and to Jesus himself.

Second, the cast is not entirely white. Throughout Western history, Jesus has often been portrayed as a white man, and some are quick to forget Jesus’ ancestry. Jesus and his disciples are all Jewish men from the Middle East. I applaud the casting director and showrunner(s) for staying true to this detail.

All in all, I’d recommend this show to everyone. Not because it’s a religious show, but because it truly is relaxing to watch. When I first came across The Chosen, I wasn’t sure if I’d be entirely interested, but I was quickly proven wrong.

Emma Keyes

Queen's U '24

Emma is studying English Language and Literature at Queen's University. She enjoys the arts, and is a sucker for all things romantic.