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Spooky Musicals to Add to Your Halloween Watchlist

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Now that we’re getting into October, Halloween is right around the corner, which means this is usually the time of year I like to start getting in the mood for spooky season! Skull candles, true crime podcasts and horror movies are all part of the vibe, but lately, I’ve also been enjoying musicals—and what better time of year to get into freaky musicals than Halloween? Here are a few musicals you can try adding to your watchlist this spooky season!

phantom of the opera

This one is a classic. It follows a young aspiring opera singer, Christine Daaé, as she becomes the protege and obsession of the mysterious Phantom—a masked figure who haunts and controls the theatre she works in. Full of passion, fear and grand musical crescendos, this musical is the perfect addition to any spooky fall watchlist.


If you’re looking for less of a spooky vibe, but still in the mood for death, drama and the occasional beheading, look no further than the musical Six. The story is a pop re-imagining of the six wives of Henry VIII, with each queen telling her side of the story. It’s colourful, empowering and hilarious, while still covering plenty of the freaky aspects of having a murderous executioner king for a husband. 


No list of spooky musicals would be complete without Beetlejuice. Based on the 1988 movie with the same name, this musical has a dead mom, an angsty gothic teenager, two ghosts learning to haunt a house, and a demon straight from hell—what more could you want for your fall watchlist? This musical will definitely help you set the vibe for spooky season.


If you loved Mean Girls, but feel like dialing up the intensity for the Halloween season, Heathers is for you. Like Mean Girls, this musical is centered around high school drama, vicious frenemies, and the many horrors of being a teenager—with a few murderous twists. Definitely worth a watch!

Ride the cyclone

I saved my personal favourite for last! This musical follows six teenage choir members from Uranium, Saskatchewan, as they take a doomed roller coaster ride and die instantly. Narrated by a deadpan carnival machine who has the power to bring one of the teens back to life, this musical is equal parts spooky and crazy. And I mean… it opens with a shot of a headless girl surrounded by darkness. What more could you want? This is the perfect addition to your spooky fall watchlist!

Sapphyre Smith

Queen's U '24

Sapphyre is a fourth-year English major at Queen's University.