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An Open Letter to My University Friends that have Become Family

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

All I can really say is thank you.

Thank you for always being there.

Thank you for all the late night talks. Staying up until dawn reminiscing on old memories and imagining all the amazing things the future will bring.

Thank you for never failing to make me laugh uncontrollably. The kind of laughter that is so amazingly contagious that it leaves your tummy aching for hours. 

Thank you for believing in me. And, in turn, helping me learn to believe in myself. For always supporting me, even when I make mistakes. And when I fall, thank you for being ready with open arms to catch me. 

Thank you for being there during the hard times. As a shoulder to cry on. The support through the difficult days. Thank you for teaching me it’s okay to be sad sometimes, but that sadness won’t last forever.

Thank you for reminding me to take care of myself. Reassuring me that it’s okay to ask for help. For teaching me the importance of loving myself and taking care of my mental health.

Thank you for your honesty. For giving the best advice ever. And at times, for understanding me better than I could possibly understand myself.

Thank you for being loyal. For always being there to listen when life doesn’t go my way. For keeping my biggest secrets and deepest insecurities safe.

Thank you for inspiring me. For sparking my curiosity. Motivating me to try new things and go outside of my comfort zone. For being along for the crazy, unpredictable, wonderful journey that is life. 

Thank you for letting me be me. For creating a safe place for us to embrace and celebrate our individuality. For showing me that it’s okay to let your silly side shine and sing in the rain (or very loudly in the shower). 

Thank you for teaching me about the true meaning of friendship. For showing me the importance of loving others, seeing the best in people, and surrounding yourself with positivity and optimism.

Thank you.