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From a Girl with a Stupid Degree

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Article by Kylie Dickinson

My major is English.”   Usually, when I get asked what my degree is and I reply English, I get told that either A) oh do you want to be a teacher or B) what can you do with that in the real world.  I’ve had this exact conversation before and let me tell you, it doesn’t get easier. Being told that your Arts degree is “pointless” or “worthless” is like a punch to the face. I work hard every single day, just like any other major. Just because my degree is not mathematical or scientific doesn’t make it easy or stupid. Try spending 5 hours staring at a blank page because you have to create your own idea and concept for a 12-page paper. Try reading 5 books in one night. Try writing your own thoughts and words for hours and then be told that your own ideas are not good not for a professor. When there is no right or wrong answer, it’s almost impossible to determine what a professor wants to read. In science and math, there is always a wrong or right answer and a way to get to the correct response. In the Arts, you have to use your passion and creativity to work for your degree. I work hard for what I do and I know that I’ll be able to accomplish great things. There are so many careers to get out of an Arts Degree and careers that will spark the passion and creativity of any arts student. The written word is literally used everywhere. Without English scholars, the world would be without so much. There are endless possibilities with an Arts degree and if I can respect your degree, you should be able to respect mine. Just because you are right brained, does not mean that you are intelligent, brilliant and incredibly insightful. It just means that your brain thinks in a different way. Thinking differently just makes you unique and understanding that being creative and passionate will allow you to pursue a career that will utilize your degree in a way that also sparks your passion. 


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Queen's U

Kylie is a third year English Major at Queen's University.  Her interests are family,  pursing her dream career in Public Relations and coffee. In that order.