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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

This sexy new edition of the Fifty Shades of Grey book cover has been released in anticipation of the movie that is coming to theatres on Valentine’s Day of 2015. There has recently been a ton of hype around the bestselling novel due to the new book cover and the release of the second trailer this past week.

For those of you who have not heard of Fifty Shades of Grey, it is basically a sexed-up version of Twilight, except both main characters are human. Christian Grey is a solitary CEO of his successful company, Grey Enterprises. At the beginning of the first novel in the trilogy, Fifty Shades of Grey, Anastasia Steele is in her final year of her undergrad and very much a virgin when she meets Christian. He draws her into a world of sexual experience that she never even knew existed.

Before I read this book, I thought I knew my way around the bed sheets, but was I ever wrong! E.L. James opens the eyes of readers young and old to a realm of eroticism that makes sex a dark and daunting game of domination, submission and surprise.

Christian Grey had affairs with sixteen women before he met Anastasia and yet she was the first with whom he had “vanilla” sex. This means no blindfolds, whips, toys, or anything…just regular sex which is what most of us consider to be exciting enough! His intolerance for regular sexual practice demonstrates the severity of his tormented personality. He is a mysterious man from Anastasia’s perspective, and she quickly realizes that the bedroom is the place in which he releases his built up tension from his dark past. Nothing prepared her for the things he does to her and the sensations he causes her to feel. James leaves out no details… This made my morning bus rides on which I read this book a little embarrassing when I noticed people reading over my shoulder with alarmed expressions. It’s basically narrative pornography, and not too surprisingly, a best selling novel. To put it into perspective, more copies of Fifty Shades of Grey have been sold in the United Kingdom than J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter.

A lot of people think that Fifty Shades of Grey is poorly written. The plot itself is quite unoriginal and the writing technique is unappealing. However, plot and writing style are less significant in this novel because of the raw, unhidden sexual content that draws readers in. Most authors tend to briefly and vaguely dart around the sexual scenes, which should be the peak of any romantic plot. On the other hand, Fifty Shades of Grey has a plot that literally revolves around the sex scenes. The lack of discretion is what makes this novel enticing because readers are pulled out of their comfort zone right along with Anastasia Steele and her innocent character.

There is quite a bit of controversy around the film and book due to the relationship between the two main characters. People have raised concern over studies that classify the characters’ relationship as intimate partner violence. With the movie up and coming, this controversy is growing stronger. The novel intended to express their relationship as one that involves BDSM, which stands for bondage, dominance, and sadomasochism, rather than one that is abusive. Fans of the novel are persistent that the relationship is not abusive because BDSM is consensual. I think that although Fifty Shades of Grey definitely promotes BDSM relationships, it should be left to individual discretion as to whether or not it is inappropriate.

In the movie, Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele are going to be played by Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson, respectively. The trailers give small glimpses into the erotic scenes of the movie that will definitely be sold out on its Valentine’s Day opening night despite its lack of romance. 

Queen's U Second year Health and Environmental Studies