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Camus Cutie: Amy Wyatt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Name Amy Wyatt

Hometown Mississauga

Faculty ArtSci

Year ‘18

What has been your most embarrassing moment at Queen’s this year?

A little while ago, at Leonard, I was eating lunch with a friend and decided to do the very classic “orange slice smile”. The only problem was the large group of people I then made solid eye contact with immediately after. I have to say things like that happen to me all the time, but as long as I have a friend with me I can pretty much laugh anything off.

What is something that surprised you about first year?

I’ve been extremely surprised by how quickly it has all gone by. There was so much build up and looking forward to it in grade 12.  I find it so surreal that, not only am I finally living it, but first year is nearly over.

What is the most important quality a person can have?

Respect. I feel like I’m almost cheating by using such an umbrella term. There’s so many things people do (or don’t do) that get them into trouble and it comes down to whether or not they respect themselves, others, or anything else. I think the minute you value something enough to respect it, you can’t go too wrong.

What is your perfect meal? (Any time of day!)

Without a doubt, sushi. Throughout the past year I have had sushi for breakfast, lunch, and dinner- although usually not on the same day.

What is the last thing that made you laugh hard?

Recently, my roommate, who was making herself a cup of tea and singing to herself asked “Who’s going to be the last one up working in the common room?” She then replied to herself “It’s gonna be me,” in perhaps the most hilarious voice I have ever heard. I lost it and have repeatedly gotten her to say it again since the incident. I have a weird sense of humour sometimes; I guess the little things get me.

What is your best quality?

That’s always a hard question to answer about yourself, but I’d probably say my drive. I’m used to working hard for what I want and I usually get it.

What is the worst piece of advice to give someone?

In light of the last question, the worst piece of advice I can think of is when people say to “just wait and things will work out.” Or in other words: good things come to those who wait. I believe if you do that, you’ll just end up watching other people get what you want because they were brave enough to go after it.

What is something you look for in a potential significant other?

Someone who loves to dance and loves the cottage. Those are both important to me and I think whether people do or don’t share those passions says a lot about them.

What are your thoughts on Yik Yak?

Yik Yak is a little more work than it’s worth, in my opinion. It tends to trick me into thinking it’s funny when I find one good joke hidden in another fifty carbon copy grabs for attention.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and from whom?

One time, a group came to my school and gave a presentation on bullying; not the most exciting thing in the world. As we expected, it was the same old song and dance but their main focus was especially surprising and offensive to some people. Their main message was the importance of “getting over yourself”. I’m not sure if that’s the best advice I’ve received but it’s definitely up there. I think it’s a dangerous thing to take yourself too seriously.

What are you looking forward to this summer?

I’m volunteering in a lab at McGill in Montreal and I’m really excited to start getting right into what I’ve been learning about. It’s so different to hear about these things in lecture and be fascinated by them, and then finally be involved. It also doesn’t hurt to live in Montreal for the summer.

Are you going to start reading Her Campus Queen’s now that you’ve been featured? ;)

I’ll have to check it out a few times, at the very least to show off my newfound celebrity status.