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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Campus Cutie: Monica Ma


Name: Monica Ma

Faculty: Con-Ed Music

Year: 3rd

Hometown: Burlington, Ontario


What is your life motto?

Always give back but never look for things in return.


What is your favourite TV show and why?

New Girl, because it is very relatable and funny. No matter what episode it is and it brings happiness to you regardless of your situation.


What is one thing you could eat for the rest of your life and never get tired of?

Pizza. Specifically, with black olives, green peppers – no meat.


If you could go back in time and undo anything, what would it be?

Not having as many fights with my mom when I was a little kid.


What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

“You’re kind.”


What is your favourite book?



Describe something that’s happened to you that you just don’t understand.

How I became to live with my housemates because we are so incompatible, yet compatible at the same time. I’m like the dad of the house, my other housemate is like the strict mom, you’re (referring to me, Karman J) like the teenage child and our last housemate is like a pet.


How would you describe your ideal partner?

My ideal partner has to understand my sarcastic sense of humour, needs to be honest and kind. I am attracted to genuine people who are relatable and fun to be around.


What is your favourite acronym and emoji?

I think it’s LOL or lulz. As for the emoji, it’s definitely the fried egg.


What is your guilty pleasure?

Pink wine.


Queen's University, class of 2017 Psychology major and Health Studies minor