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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Back in the summer, I desperately wanted to start using crystals but I really didn’t know where to start. I remember standing in front of a crystal store and feeling anxious to go in because I felt uneducated. If you’re in a similar situation, here is somewhat of a step-by-step to crystals and some crystal suggestions of how you can use them to the fullest! 

The world of crystals can be pretty intimidating, there are so many different stones with different properties, then there are terms like “charging” or “cleansing your crystals” that can make things even more confusing for a beginner. 

Essentially, it’s believed that crystals have healing powers for the mind, body, and soul, with this idea originating from a wide variety of ancient cultures such as ancient Egypt, Greece, and China. 

Although there isn’t specific science to back up the use of crystals, it is understood that all things are made up of energy, including ourselves and our crystals. So with this idea, we are able to exchange our energy with that of the crystal. 

There are a wide variety of crystals and how you can use them, but first, you need to pick one out! Personally, one of my favourite crystals is my rose quartz, which is highly beginner-friendly. There are so many others that I’ll list along with their properties! 

Rose Quartz: Commonly known as the crystal of unconditional love. This crystal is said to help with feelings of self-love, along with helping your relationships with others 

Clear Quartz: Known to help with clarity and focus, clear quartz is a very helpful crystal for manifestations and create more focus towards a specific desire

Selenite: The best part about selenite, is that it’s self-cleaning! So you don’t need to do any extra work! Selenite helps cleanse and purify, along with helping remove negative energy. 

Amethyst: Perfect for school, amethyst is known to help relieve stresses and anxieties

Honey Calcite: Encourages feelings of self-worth, leadership, and gives us the confidence to overcome obstacles 

Tiger’s Eye: Brings good luck and mental clarity 

I personally prefer to shop for crystals in store so you’re able to feel different ones and decide which stones you feel drawn towards. One of my favourite stones is Honey Calcite and when I went into the crystal store the day I bought it, I had never heard of Honey Calcite before. But after looking at the properties, I felt like it would bring things into my life that could definitely be strengthened. 

So great, you have your crystal, what next. Most people would recommend you first cleanse your crystal, in order to remove any negativity. This can be done in a variety of ways such as leaving your crystal in the sunlight, rinsing it underwater (make sure to research if your crystal can go underwater as some stones such as selenite will be damaged), but personally, I like to use a selenite plate and place any crystals on top as selenite is not only a self-cleanser but cleanses other stones placed on top of it. 

You can also charge your crystals, one of the most popular ways this is done is by placing your stones in the full moon. Charging your crystals essentially helps them gain more energy and work more effectively.

Next, I like to use my crystals to set intentions. So, I’ll pick one up and choose something I want to happen in my life that relates to that crystal. So I might pick up an amethyst and say affirmations relating to being productive in my school work, something like “I’m completing all my work well ahead of time”, or “Everything in my class makes sense”, try and be as specific as possible when setting these intentions. Then, I’ll just take the stone with me in my pocket. You can also get crystal jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, or rings! 

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And that’s it! I typically like to cleanse my crystals after I have taken them somewhere to remove any negative energy it may have picked up throughout the day. There are so many other ways to use crystals to your advantage such as meditating with them or manifesting things in different ways. So see what works for you, but there are your basics for selecting crystals, cleansing, charging, and using them! 

Victoria is a third-year Bachelor of Arts student at Queen's University studying English. She is also a lover of music, romcoms, Formula 1, and is always open to book recs!